You came back to me (Part 2)

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Natasha kept bragging and bragging over and over again, while uncontrollably sobbing and screaming.

Clint was no longer trying to be strong.

No one in this or any other world would have been able to control their tears at the heartbreaking sight of a mother hugging her daughter's gravestone. It was too much pain.

When the man couldn't take more of his friend's pain he slowly lifted her and took her back to her house, despite Natasha's screams of protest.

Over time, every time Natasha would disappear, Clint knew exactly where she was.

And he wasn't disappointed when, every single time, he found her asleep next to the grave.

Most of the time, he would just cover her with a blanket and let her sleep, watching over her from a nearby tree.

"I will never be able to forget your painful screams, Nat. And I never want to see you pass through this again. It will be too much for you." Clint sighed "And for me..."

"But what if... What if somehow what I'm thinking it's true, Clint?" Natasha asked hopefully

"Look, Nat. I don't want you to get too excited only to have your dreams and hopes crushed, okay?" The archer patted her back

Natasha saddly nodded.

"I want to do something crazy that will be extremely painful no matter the result." Natasha looked at Clint for confirmation that he's in

"What?" He sighed, letting his head fall in his hands

The next day, Natasha was back at her daughter's grave together with Clint, Steve, and two shovels.

"Give me a second, guys." Natasha pleaded

She crouched down next to the stone and, kissing it, she whispered "Forgive me, baby girl. But I need to know. Always remember that Mama loves you."

She pointed to the grave with her head and the boys nodded. Taking the shovels, they started digging.

Half an hour later, Natasha was holding her breath as Steve and Clint placed down next to her the small white casket her daughter was in.

She lovingly dusted the dirt from it with tears in her eyes and shakey hands.

"Hi..." She whispered as she kept moving her hand from side to side on the casket "Long time no see..."

"Are you sure you want to do this, Nat?" Steve asked concerned

"Yeah, I need to." She said not taking her eyes from the casket

Both men got closer to their friend, getting ready for whatever they were about to witness.

Natasha slowly opened the casket and she gasped shocked when she saw what was inside.

"Nothing..." Nat breathed out in shock as she took in the emptiness of the casket, her grip on the side of the casket tightening with each second that passed

Steve and Clint looked at each other shocked for a moment and then both rushed to talk to Natasha.

"You were right, Nat..." Clint exclaimed surprised

"What is this supposed to mean?" Steve asked equally as surprised as Clint

"Either she's buried someplace else, either..." Natasha looked with shimmering and full of hope eyes at her friends "Either she's alive."

Natasha couldn't wrap her mind around the information she just found out and Clint for sure wasn't helping too much.

"It's empty!" Clint cheered for the one hundred time in the last five minutes

"Clint, shut up!" Natasha threatened him

But Clint only kept on celebrating "It's empty. It's empty..." He chanted and started to dance

From one quick move, Natasha picked up one shovel that was beside her and smacked Clint over his upper back with it, the archer falling to the ground with a loud groan.

"I. Said. Shut up!" The woman spitted out

Steve looked shocked at her for a few seconds but dared to say nothing.

"Why?!" Clint started to cry like a little baby and brought his knees to his chest "Just why?!"

Back at the compound, you were chilling on the couch almost falling asleep when you heard voices and recognized Natasha's.

The three heroes entered the room and you shot up on your feet with a questioning look on your face as you saw the state they were in.

As soon as Natasha laid her eyes on you, she engulfed you in a really tight hug, and the redhead started to cry.

"What have you done to her this time, guys?!" You gleared at the men annoyed while holding Natasha in your arms "Robin Hood? America's Ass? Do you have something to say for yourself?"

"Bye!" Clint shouted and ran out of the room, dragging Steve out with him in the process

"Hey, Tasha... Are you okay? Why are you crying?" You slightly pulled apart to look at the woman who took care of you these past months

"I-I... I just discovered something really important for me." Natasha sniffed

"Is it a good news?" You questioned carefully

"The best!" She smiled

"Yey! I'm happy for you, Tasha!" You cheered

Natasha didn't fully reveal to you what that important news was and you didn't push her to tell you.

You just cuddled up with her on the couch, watching movies until you fell asleep.

Natasha admired you sleeping for a moment and then, gently peeling you off of her, she went straight to Bruce's lab to collect her answers.

"I need answers, Banner! And I need them now. I can't wait anymore..." Natasha demanded as she entered the room "Have you found any information about Y/N?"

"I actually did." Bruce announced, making Natasha's confident facade fade away "I found her mother. It wasn't that hard to find her since her mom was already in our database. Y/N's DNA matched almost instantly with her mother's."

Feeling like her feet couldn't support her anymore, Natasha let herself fall into a chair and, holding her breat, she asked the important question.

"Who is her mother?"

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang