Chapter 2

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Usagi Tsukino just arrived in South Africa on her twenty-first birthday, after accepting a position at Neuralink, working alongside none other than Elon Musk. She was an intelligent and beautiful young Japanese woman, with a big heart and always willing to help others.

On that day, while she was sitting in her office with Elon, they were flirting with each other, when Elon's secretary, Frida Rothaarig, interrupted them with some silly talk about movie scripts.

Frida: "Sorry to bother you, but I need you both to sign these purchase orders"

Elon: "Of course, Frida. Thanks for reminding us." Elon replied, as he and Usagi signed the documents.

Frida left, envious of Usagi, wanting Elon's heart for herself. Then, at lunchtime, while they were having lunch together, Frida tried to get information from Usagi about Elon.

Frida: "So, Usagi, how is it working with Elon? Is he a tough boss?"

Usagi laughed and replied. Usagi: "Don't worry, it's all good. Elon is a great leader, always supporting and encouraging his team. I love working for him."

Frida tried a few more times, but Usagi didn't give anything away. At the end of the day, Frida is seen visiting Rocco Brown in prison and planning to join him against Neuralink.

Frida: "So, Rocco, how can we punish these two idiots? They deserve the worst." Frida said, with an evil smile.

Rocco: "Don't worry, Frida. I have a plan," Rocco replied, as they conspired together.

Frida and Rocco continued to plan their revenge against Usagi and Elon, but their conspiracies didn't go unnoticed. Elon, being very smart, started to suspect that something strange was going on.

Usagi, on the other hand, was falling more and more in love with Elon, and they spent more and more time together, working hard to make Neuralink grow even more.

On a Friday afternoon, Usagi and Elon decided to go out for a coffee to relax. Frida, who was following them, tried to prevent them from entering Fabreez Costa cafe.

Frida: "Sorry, Mr. Musk, but this place is closed for renovations."

Elon: "Ah, all right, let's go to another cafe then."

But Usagi felt that something was wrong. Usagi: "I know this place, we can go in."

She pushed the door, and inside was a surprise: all the Neuralink employees were in the cafe, preparing a surprise party for Elon and Usagi.

Elon was touched and grateful, while Frida watched from afar with envy.

But the story isn't over yet. The sad truth is that Usagi was Sailor Moon, sent to Neuralink to investigate Rocco's and others' illegal activity. When she confessed this to Elon, he was shocked and hurt.

Elon: "I can't believe you lied to me, Usagi. But I still love you." Elon said, before leaving for a meeting.

But Usagi didn't give up, she worked even harder to uncover the truth about Rocco and others. Eventually, she managed to exonerate herself and Neuralink from all the false accusations circulating on Twitter.

On a starry night, Usagi encountered Elon again, and they reconciled, while Frida was temporarily arrested by the police.

After Frida and Rocco were arrested, Neuralink went back to business. Usagi and Elon were working together in the office when suddenly a shootout began outside.

Usagi: "(Screaming) Oh no, those are probably some of Rocco's henchmen coming to kill us."

Elon: "Don't worry, I have a secret bunker hidden here."

They ran to the bunker as the shots continued to echo through the building. Finally, they reached the bunker and locked the door.

Elon: "Well, I guess we're safe for now."

Usagi looked at him with a mischievous smile and said. Usagi: "Safe from what? I think I feel safer by your side."

Elon stared at her intensely. Elon: "I love your courage, Usagi. You're my heroine."

At that moment, they passionately kissed. But suddenly, an explosion occurred, leaving them unconscious for a few minutes.

When they woke up, they saw that the bunker had partially collapsed. They searched through the debris and realized they were trapped.

Usagi: "This isn't good. I just hope someone finds us,"

Elon: "Don't worry, Usagi. I'll keep you warm."

He embraced her, and they spent hours together, trying to find a way out. After some time, they began to hear voices from outside.

Usagi: "Voices! Someone found us!"

But when the door was finally opened, it wasn't the police or firefighters who appeared, but Frida, who had betrayed them and joined Rocco.

Frida: "Surprise!"

She said with an evil smile.

Frida: "I couldn't let you two have the happy ending you wanted."

And with that, she left them to die, as the bunker began to collapse completely.

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