Chapter 2

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Riley's POV

I wanted to make a good first impression so I dress in black skinny jeans and a cute baggy white shirt with some converse. I know its not that great way to start a first impression but I don't own girly things.

After straitening my hair and doing my make-up I packed a few of my things then went downstairs. I have already told my aunt and uncle that I've found a place and they're going to take me there to view the place because they need to give their 'opinion' before I start living there.

The person said I can move in whenever so I've packed most of my things because i'm very keen on staying in this place.

I need to get out of this house, its not that I hate my aunt and uncle, I love them to pieces I just want a place of my own or a place without my family there to bug me when I need to do stuff.

We got in the car and I was getting nervous, my anxiety levels were rising and my breathing was unsteady. I took deep breaths to keep myself calm and thankfully this time it worked.

We pulled up at a block of flats, the area was nice but the building looked pretty old and it looked so much better in photo's.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Aunt Marge said while wiping her fancy white gloves.

"Yes i'm sure, she gave me the right directions" I rolled my eyes and held Joe's hand as we walked up to the flat.

Joe insisted on coming, he wanted to know if this girl wasn't some crazy psycho and what type of conditions i'd be staying in.

We walked up a few sets of stairs and we finally got to the flat 38D. I could here music playing from inside so I knocked loudly and it soon opened.

My Aunts nose turned up it disgust when she saw the tall blue haired boy standing in the door way. He had tattoos covering his body, two piercings in his nose, one on his eyebrow then a lip ring in the corner of his mouth. He was wearing a tank top with a slogan on and he had a snap back on but the blue hair was still visible.

"I'm Riley...The girl that was interested in this place" I smiled and handed him a letter I printed off.

"I don't need paperwork...I'm Michael, come look" He said handing me back the sheet and laying on his bed with his earphones in.

It literally looked like a hotel room, there was a double bed either side and the kitchen was right next to his bed and the bathroom was opposite, there was a sofa in the middle with a TV in front of it then there was a cupboard near the side. There was two wardrobes, one that was his and one that would be mine if I move in.

"Are you sure you want to live here? The boy alone is ghastly and this whole place is disgusting...Riley dear, there's other houses out there" My aunt said and looked around.

"I can hear you... Just because I've got my earphones in doesn't mean i'm deaf" He rolled his eyes and stood up "So? Are you taking the place?" He asked seeming annoyed.

"No she will not-" I cut my Aunt of before she could make anymore decisions for me.

"Yes I will, when can I move in?" I asked him and he laughed.

"Now, later,tomorrow...Whenever" He said and bit onto one of the two lip rings with a smirk playing at his lips.

"I'll bring some things by later then the rest tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded.

"See you soon" He said leaning against the door frame and gave Joe a look of evil before we all walked away.


Addictive (Punk Michael Clifford) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now