Chapter 22: Bully

Start from the beginning

I smile to myself as we climb out the car.

I hold his hand as we go up the driveway and in the front door.

I watch as Arlo throws popcorn in the air, and tries to catch it in his mouth.

Everyone turns their attention to us and i hold Henry's hand tighter.

"Yo, what happened to your face?" Hayden looks at Henry.

"Not the time," I answer and lead Henry upstairs to the hallway.

"Do you want to have a shower? And wash the blood off?" I ask gently.

He nods slightly.

"You can wear some of Oakley's clothes he has here."

"Thank you,"

I smile and grab him some grey trackies and a white singlet and hand them to him before he closes and locks the door.

"Does the door lock work?" He asks.


"Can you test it?"

"Oh, sure," I twist the doorknob and it doesn't unlock.

"Thank you."

"It's okay, i'll be downstairs."

"I'll be down soon."

"Okay." I slowly go downstairs as i tie my hair up into a messy bun.

All of them look at me and i fight the urge to burst into tears.

"What happened to him?" Cora asks.

"Baxter, he was hitting him." I walk over and sit on the sofa, my body on fire.

"He was hurting him?" Arlo stares at me as i nod.

"How long has he been doing this?" Coen frowns.

"I don't know. Henry says he's never hit him, but he's just said things."

Hayden drags a hand down his face, "That's shit."

I nod, "Let's just try to be a bit nicer to him tonight, make sure he's comfortable."

"Can i go see him?" Arlo asks.

"He's showering, but he will be down soon."


I stare at the wall, not even focusing on the tv. All of us sit in silence.

I think we all feel bad for not helping sooner.


Henry comes downstairs, breaking everyone's thoughts .

My eyes focus on the swelling growing on his face and the bruises already appearing.

He slowly sits down on the air-mattress we have out.

Arlo poors us all glasses of juice, and hands one around to each of us.

"Cheers," Arlo raises his glass, "To Henry, for being our favourite friend."

We all smile as Henry smiles.

Our glasses chink together and i take a small sip of the juice, not wanting to raise my levels too high.

I get up and go to the kitchen and get a pack of ice.

Henry has now layed down on the air mattress. I slowly climb on and he looks at me.

I roll to my side and gently place the ice pack on his face as he is looking at me.

"I don't need it, i'm fine." He tries to insist.

"It will help the swelling."

"Okay." He whispers and rolls onto his side.

"How are you feeling?" I use my other hand and softly rub his non-bruising cheek.

"I'm okay." He pulls a half smile.

"It's stopping now, he won't hurt you anymore."

His hands wrap around my waist and pull me close with a small nod.

"You're gonna be okay, my sweet boy, we're taking care of you."

He nods and his eyes flutter close. I give him a soft kiss and let him fall asleep.

"You are so inlove with him." Arlo says.

I raise my head to look at him, unable to deny it.

I do love him. I love him more than i've ever loved anyone in the world.

 I love him more than i've ever loved anyone in the world

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aaron warner has been consuming my mind a lot recently

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