I stood up, unfolding a blanket from the side of her couch, and covering her with it. I grabbed water from her minifridge, and I put it next to her along with the bottle of tylenol. I brushed her hair out of her face, and tried to braid it the best I could so that it didn't bother her.

I let out a deep breath before standing all the way up. I turned on her bathroom light, and turned off the other lights. Letting the little bit of light shine in from the bathroom incase in the middle of the night she needed anything.

Looks like she's staying here tonight.

I closed her office door, and looked at mine. I walked over, opening it, and leaving the door open as I stepped into the room. I ran my hand over my face, letting out a shaky breath before looking around at my room.


"Dad! Leave her alone!" D'Angelo yelled, standing in front of me as the tears ran down my face.

I felt my world spin as I watched both of my parents scream at him. Mia was standing there with a smile on her face, but my brother was standing up and defending me. He was always the only person to defend me.

"She talks too much! I'm tired of hearing her voice!"

I went to open my mouth to speak, and quickly shut it once I noticed the way my father looked at me. I was in pain. My voice was in pain. My voice was wearing thin. It was scratchy like my fathers because I scarred my vocal cords from screaming so much.

A price I paid from my parents. The doctors wondered how it happened, and I couldn't tell them what actually happened because it hurt. It hurts to talk so bad.

"I'm tired of hearing you complain so goddamn much! If you didn't want to parent us, you should've just given us up! It would have been so much better than dealing with your shit!" Dlo stepped toe to toe with our father.

Dlo wasn't fully grown into his height, but he was still tall. He was 12, and yet he was around 5'8 already.

"Anna, go." Dlo said, noticing my parents looking at each other.

"Grab your bag. Go." He whispered before lightly pushing me towards our shared bedroom.

"Go." He whispered again as I watched him stand up straighter.

The adrenaline pulsed through my veins as I ran to the room. The screaming started. I locked the door, before grabbing the small duffle bag underneath the bed. I opened the bedroom window, and looked at the ground before swinging my body, and jumping out.

I wanted to scream, but the doctor told me I shouldn't even talk so that I don't damage my vocal cords even more. I couldn't even cry because it would strain them. I had to feel emotionless in order to protect myself.

My lungs and throat burned. The busy streets of New York were no place for a ten year old, but I think it's more safe than living in that house any longer.

"Anna!" I quickly turned around, looking at the girl that was the same age as me.She looked at me with a confused expression.

"What's wrong?" She asked, and I crumbled into her arms.

My breathing picked up, the tears fell from my eyes as I looked at Harley. Her father, Cameron, quickly came around the corner.

I felt my hands get sweaty, and my vision blurred.



My chest rose and fell with every deep breath. I didn't even notice the footsteps into the room. I didn't notice the constant call of my name. I didn't notice the arms that were wrapped around me.

I slowly started coming back to reality, but everything was still spinning. I was still stuck in the loop of memory.

"Julie." The more stern side came out, before I felt the cold rings on my sides, spinning me around to face him.

Why is it always him who has been bringing me out of this.

"Deep breaths." His hands lingered on my hips, which brought me completely out of my head.
He looked around at the room, taking it all in.

The pictures of me, the pictures of me with Eryn, Rylee, and Iris, the pictures of me with Dlo, or Harley, Yomar, and Abu. They were all over the walls, capturing his attention.

I stared up at him, feeling my chest start to fall slower than the speed it was originally. I heard the footsteps this time, but made no attempt to move as he looked down at me.

"Where is Eryn-"

My head snapped to face Noah. Matteo's hands dropped from my sides quickly, and I felt my face heat up.

"Whoops.. I should've knocked." He covered his face quickly, before I noticed him go to lean on the wall and almost fall over.

I wrapped my arm around him, holding him up as he laughed.

"Happy Birthday Julie." He sang, causing me to smile.

I felt weight being taken off of me as Matteo wrapped his arm around Noah. I watched as his muscles flexed, as I started walking down the hallway, making sure they were following me.

I opened the office door, and lifted the blanket up. He laid down next to her, throwing the blanket over them both. He wrapped his arms around her, and I turned around and was met with Matteo.

"Wanna get out of here?" He asked with a growing smile on his face.

I nodded my head with a smile forming.

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