Chapter 20: Like Father, Like Daughter

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"Well..." Y/n groaned as he sat down on the couch, coffee in hand as he looked at Taylor who sat next to him. "Remember the coffee machine at work, you said and I quote 'My father would have died of laughter by now, he showed me how to do this like a million times', huh?" Y/n watched her bury her face in her hands as the other held onto her cup of coffee.

"Can we just forget about that," Taylor muttered as she took a sip of her drink, avoiding the older Thawne's gaze.

Y/n just laughed as he got more comfortable, taking a sip of his own coffee. "So how's your mother?" He watched as Taylor just got a massive grin on her face as she stared at her cup.

"Still very immature," She giggled as she turned to face her father. "I honestly don't know how you put up with her for so many years," She added as she shook her head.

Y/n found himself grinning at the idea of spending years with Nora but that smile soon became a look of confusion. "When were you born?" He questioned his daughter as he took another sip of his drink.


Y/n then proceeded to choke on his coffee, getting it to the table before bursting into an uncontrollable coughing fit. Taylor quickly placed her own drink down before moving closer to Y/n, hitting him on the back to try and help him. "Y/n!" Nora called out as she ran over to the two of them. "Are you okay?" She grabbed his shoulders just as he gained his ability to breathe back.

"Ten minutes..." A very disappointed Caitlin looked at the Thawne as the rest of Team Flash joined them. "Can't even leave you alone for ten minutes without you almost killing yourself," She failed to hide the smile that fought to show as she looked at Y/n, shaking her head.

"In his defence, he made the coffee extra strong," Taylor spoke up, catching everyone's attention. "But I don't think he knew that meant hand-to-hand combat," She shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed her cup again.

This caused every guy other than Sherloque to start chuckling while Caitlin just shook her head, the two West-Allens just looked at Taylor, still trying to figure out what was going on. So much so that Iris didn't even seem to notice that Nora had sat next to Y/n, her hands still holding onto him as he turned to look at Taylor. "Did you just use a dad joke?" He questioned the younger Speedster who just shrugged her shoulders again, looking at the group innocently.

"Sounds like you," Ralph laughed as he looked at the three on the couch.

"At least I know you got that from me," Y/n shook his head as he took a deep breath, listening to a few 'What' being passed between the group. "Oh yeah, Y/n smiled as he stood up with Nora and Taylor following him. "Guys, I'd like to introduce you to Taylor Thawne," He motioned to the shorter woman next to him who just waved at the group.

There was silence for a moment as Nora joined the group as they looked at the two of them. "Was this the reaction you were expecting?" Taylor questioned as she looked at the group, leaning closer to the larger Thawne as she nervously slid her hands into her jacket pockets.

Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption (A Nora West-Allen X Y/n Thawne) [Discontinued?!]Where stories live. Discover now