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Hi! please note that i am making this story in my head lol, and i hope you guys enjoy this book!

what to know about y/n's back story:

-the eldest

-has 2 siblings (1 brother and 1 sister)

-parents are always at work

-siblings always like to hangout with friends instead of listening to there older sister

-resently got moved to arcadia

-is bullied at school

-y/n always like's to explore new things

-enjoys using her guns and knife's (for self-defence of course)

-also a real badass when people mess with her or challenges her

-y/n also enjoy's helping others (if its a student needing help or like help a lady cross the street that kind of stuff)

y/n personality:





-very well behaved




y/n's hobbies:

-crochet (in her free time)

-walking in the woods (just for fun and just to see animals)

-sketch (in her free time)

-writing poetry (whenever she gets the chance to)

-practicing with her guns and knife's (has a collection)

-playing with her guitar (just for fun)

And that is it for the introduction i hope you guys enjoy the story thank you! Also let me know what you guys think in the comments!

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