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Harriet yawned and stood up, stretching as the field of yellow flowers around her slowly dissolved into a white Void broken by the occasional soul passing by her. A quick glance around her showed that she was alone, which was odd. Death usually appeared when the Entity sensed her waking up, or he was already nearby. "Death?" She called, only for there to be no response. She frowned, then manipulated Limbo to reach the Deeper parts of it. Death had only brought her here once, and that was only so she knew where to find him if he didn't appear when she called. The Darkness surrounding her was cold, and it clung to her body like a cloak as she approached the center. Each step she took made the air colder, until it got so cold that she may as well have been naked. She stepped into the center, a place where lines of Frost stretched out from a central pillar, and standing around it where Doors lined with blue light. Just as the last time she had been here, her clothes suddenly vanished. She sighed, instinctively wrapping her arms around herself to ward off the chill as much as she could. "Death? Are you here?" She took two more steps, then she noticed Death's scythe leaning against the pillar in the Centre, upon which sat a black ball that pulsed like a heart beat. She stared at it Curiously, since it hadn't been there last time. A note suddenly appeared in her view, which she snatched from the air. "Dear Harriet, I have chosen to go on a permanent Vacation. As such, I am nominating you as the new death. Please touch the glowing ball of energy before you." She read, then she noticed the next bit. "I should warn you it will hurt. Best Wishes, Death." She sighed. "And he couldn't have told me that himself?" She grumbled, then she glanced at the orb. "Death... wants me to touch it? He usually tells me not to touch things. Well I suppose he did give me permission." She reached out and grabbed it, then she gasped as it shot along her arm and flew into her chest. She fell backwards as pain burned across her body, a whimper leaving her. She wasn't sure how long the pain lasted for, but the moment it stopped she stood up. It was only then that Death's note finally clicked. And the moment it did, she went into panick mode and transported herself to life's realm. "LIFE! DEATHVANISHEDANDTOLDMETO TOUCHAWEIRDGLOWYORBSOIDID WHICHHURTANDNOWITHINKIMIGHTBETHENEWDEATHIMSOSCAREDPLEASEHELPME!" She bawled the moment she appeared. The goddess of life just stared at her for a moment, clearly trying to translate her panicked words into an actual sentence. "Harry, breath." Life said as the Goddess pulled her closer. She cried into the goddess' shoulder while the Goddess rocked her gently. Once she had calmed down, Life pulled back and gave her a reassuring smile. "Alright, let me see if I understood what you said. Death Vanished?" She nodded, then pulled the note from her pocket and gave it to the Goddess. Worry built up inside her when life cursed. "Life?" Life gave her a look that she couldn't identify. "Did you touch the glowing ball?" She nodded with a sniff, then froze when life hugged her again. "Oh Harry, you should have come to me first. That glowing ball you toched was my Brother's power, we'll call it the Heart of Death for simplicity. When you touched it, Death's power passed to you and turned you into "Lady Death." Those words caused her to cry again. "I don't want to be Death! I want to be me!"
"I know Harry, and Death shouldn't have forced this on you. It was wrong of him to use your natural curiosity against you like this, but I can't change it. I'm sorry, but all I can do is offer you guidance and a shoulder to cry on." She took Life's offer and cried her eyes out on the goddess' shoulder. When she did finally manage to calm down, they where kneeling on the floor. "Feel better?" She nodded, sniffling as she wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "Yeah, a little." Life smiled at her, then Life pulled back a bit. "To be honest, I don't blame my brother for leaving, Death is a lonely job after all. That's why he created the Hallows, to find someone to keep him Company. But I suppose you weren't enough company. I think he forgot that he could visit me whenever he wanted." She nodded. "He often bemoaned the fact that he couldn't enter your realm. Whenever I asked why he would shrug." Life sighed. "Yeah, that sounds like him. I think he was worried coming in here would have destroyed me or my creations. Death did so prefer the Living over the dead." She shrugged. "I know from experience that the Dead aren't great company, even after they have gone through the Pearly gates." Life snorted in amusement. "Fair enough I suppose." They lapsed into silence for a moment, and she used the opportunity to seat herself in Life's lap in an effort to get rid of the ever present cold. Life just wrapped her arms around her thin frame Tightly as she rested her head under Life's chin. "Harry" Life stated after a long period of companionable silence. She tilted her head up. "Yeah?"
"I think returning to the Living world for a while will do you some good." She tilted her head. "Can I leave tho? Wouldn't it disrupt things if I left?" Life shook her head. "No. A Death only needs to exist in order for Souls to safely traverse to the afterlife. You don't have to remain in Limbo, or here. Just existing is enough. The only reason Limbo didn't collapse around your ears as you slept was because you were present as the Mistress of Death." She hummed, then she nodded. "If you think it will help me, then I'll go. Bye, aand thank you." She gave Life another hug, then vanished.

Harriet Potter: Death as a JediWhere stories live. Discover now