part 15

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you wake up the next day feeling rather adventurous but very small.
you pull yourself from your bed next to your mama.
you throw yourself out the bed landing on the floor with a thump, not hurting yourself too badly.
your crawled around the house feeling very lost, you wanted bubba. but you couldn't find her, you slumped in the hallway of rooms and sobbed.
a door eventually opened and it was bucky
bucky "hey dolly what's wrong?"
you "i-i-i"
bucky "calm done dolly. breathe"
you take a deep breath
bucky "i-i- wan bubba"
bucky "i know where bubba is. do you want me to take you to her?"
you nod.
you stand up taking buckys hand and he leads you into yelenas and his room.
bucky knocks on the bathroom door.
yelena "babe i'm in the shower"
bucky "i know you've got an upset little one sobbing for you"
yelena "shit i'm coming"
yelena quickly jumps out the shower and rushes to the sobbing little one.
yelena "aw little one what's wrong?"
you "no wake mama. baby girl lost."
yelena "alright come here"
you climb in her lap and snuggle into her.
she rocks you back and fourth as she nearly lulls you off to sleep.
yelena "alright why don't we get your ready huh?"
you nod sleepy
she picks you up and takes you to her bathroom.
she braids your hair it two dutch braids taming your curly locks.
she changes you bum and into this

 she changes you bum and into this

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she puts deodorant on you and some perfume

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she puts deodorant on you and some perfume.
yelena "you look very cute"
you blush and hide in bubbas shoulder
yelena "look at you all shy"
you "bubbbbaaa top"
yelena laughs.
yelena "your mama knows your with me, everyone is down at breakfast. wanna get breakfast?"
you nod eagerly.
bucky "the tickle monster gonna get you"
yelena puts you down and holds your hand
you "run bubba run!!"
you and buns run down the halls you squealing

avengers pov
tony "i think y/n may be coming down listen"
they all go quiet and then hear your squealing
nat "she's so cute"
wanda "she's adorable"
nat "at least she doesn't have cramps today"
tony "here she comes!!"
everyone looks at you squealing and running hand in hand with yelena running from bucky.
they watch as bucky holds on to your hips tips you upside down and above his head
bucky "the tickle monster got you!!"
you "we tickle bubba now go buck buck!!"
bucky quickly puts you down as you both run after yelena. you both get yelena as she roars with laughter.
you get bored and run over to your mama.
you "mama!! buck buck was du tickle monser he chase me all du way down here den he got me an i wen up up and den du wrong way up. de we got bubba!!"
nat "you've had quite the morning!"
you "mama. me had big fun"
you "buck buck sab me from du scary doors"
nat "did he?"
you "mhm"
nat pulls you in her lap and places waffles and fruit in front of you
you wolf down all of the fruit leaving the waffle and snuggle into nat. you had started to feel yucky
you "mama me feel yucky"
nat "where feels yucky?"
you point to your tummy
nat "wanda i think you spoke to soon"
you climb over nat and cuddle into wanda.
wanda "i like your outfits today."
you cry into wanda
you "me hab bad tum tum wana fix it. pease"
wanda picks you up and lays you down on the floor in between her legs, your head is by wandas feet.
she pulls up your top exposing your tummy, she rolls the band of your pants done and rubs your hips and lower tummy. Again you instantly stop squirming and relax
nat "wanda has the magic touch"
yelena "she has her asleep in seconds"
tony "nat when we get back l, want me to have a look at her and see what's going on?"
nat "please tony. she's getting her period and it's in ten fold, she shouldn't be getting them she was sterilised"
tony "me and brice will be right on it when we get back."
nat send him a happy smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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