The Semi-Finals and A Suprise

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Fat Amy Pov This time I dumped the bus and we drove to the place without problems. That time we sang "Problem" by Ariana Grande. As we arrived the Foot-Notes were on stage. Isaw one boy provoke Beca. Then I heard Stacie saying to Aubrey "We can't beat the Foot-Notes and Trebels!" Then Aubrey came and said "We will beat them if we make it exactly how we practised!" "And now the Barden Belllas!" The presenter said. And the same thing began again. Aubrey blow in the Pitch Pie and counted"1,2,3,4!" and Chloe began to sang "The Sign" again. Suddenly Beca began to sang"Buletproof". I was very suprised,butbit woke the people up. So we finished an d Aubrey screamed at Beca.Stacie tried to protect her and suddenly Jesse came and said something to Beca. Beca was mad and screamed at Jesse.I saw Donald whispering something to Stacie. Bumper went near me and gave me a paper. Amy I have to tell you something important. You look good and love you -Bumper Beca ran away and Aubey too. The other Belass behind Aubrey, expect Stacie and me.Stacie went to Jesse and huged him and said something in is ear. Then he went on stage. I asked her "What do you said to him?" "Just that he don't have to think about Beca's words!" she replied. Then we heard the places. We were 3 place . So not in the finals. One week later
 Stacie Pov One week the Bellas were all not together. We all do something else. Then Aubrey texted us "We got in the finals. They found something out and we were in the finals. Come to Bella Meeting NOW!" -Aubrey As I arrived I heard Aubrey and Chloe screaming. Then Aubrey said"This time I don't wanna suck it done!" "What she mean?"I asked.THen Aubrey maked some creepy sounds and puked like a cannon. I screamed and Cythia said"I'll protect you!" and touched my breasts. I took my rap whistle and whistled. Amy and Lilly fighted with Aubrey and Chloe and LLilly fell in the puke from Aubrey. Then Beca came and we all stopped. Then Beca excused with Aubrey and she gave Beca the Pitch Pie. Aubrey explained us that we were in the finals and must practise. This time Beca choosed the songs. This time I had a solo too. Fat Amy Pov Stacie,Beca and I went to McDonalds and met the Trebels. We told them what happend,but not that we had now new songs and outfits. That's gonna be a suprise t0 them too. Then I went with Bumper outside while the others eat theire food and Beca tried not to speak with Jesse because of that she talked the whole time with Stacie."You know that I need to tell you something?!" he said. "Yeah! What is it?" i asked. He said "Look! Someone called me to Hollywood and I said'NO' because of you and the Trebels. I wanna that you know that I love you and really wanna make it oficall!" "OMG! Bumper!" I screamed of happyness. Then he kissed me and I told him "After teh finals . Then you can make it oficall.You'll see why!" Then I kissed him once more and went back to BU with the girls and go to sleep. A/N So that was it for today. I'll update tomorrow! ANDJELA

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