9th April 2001

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 Harry was already at his desk, furiously scribbling away when Theo stumbled into the office cursing Blaise for the idea of a midweek trip to the hogs head for old times sake.

"You're in early" He mumbled, wishing he had a headache potion to combat the hangover that was lingering.

"Have to leave early, got reservations at the Golden Harp" Harry replied, not looking up from his work.

"How do you afford all these meals? You said you didn't have access to your vaults" Theo knew it was intrusive, but the pounding in his head meant he didn't overly care to filter his usual thoughts.

"I don't, I am using up the last of my school vault. Hopefully it will last until July." Harry trailed off with a shrug of his shoulders, although Theo could glimpse the worry in his eyes.

"It shouldn't have to"

"Why not? It's my money, I can use it how I want." For a moment Harry sounded like the stuck up bastard Theo had pegged him as when he first came to the department.

"I mean you seem to pay for everything, why can't your friends pay for things instead now and again."
"I have the money and they don't. Why wouldn't I treat them?"

"That's not...." Theo sighed. Harry needed some better friends, ones who would show him some decent boundaries. The prats he currently surrounded himself with seemed only too happy to take advantage of his generous nature. "When do they treat you to things like that?"

"Oh, I don't... It's fine, I don't really like the attention."

"Yet you get the attention anyway. You take them out to fancy restaurants, and are seen in the Prophet five times a week at any number of gala's and events."

"Just because I am nice to my friends Nott, doesn't mean you need to put them down. It's my choice how I live my life, you can't just sit there and lecture me on what I can and can't do." With that Harry stood and stormed away into the stacks. Theo groaned leaning back into his chair in frustration. Yet again he had accidentally taken two steps back. He was never going to figure the man out at this rate. Flicking his wand he summoned his teacup and began preparing some tea. Hopefully a drink would sort out his head. He could apologise to Harry later.

After the frustrating start to his morning, the day only got worse. A letter from the Bulgarian ministry not only rejected his enquiry for resources on love potions but also sent a missive to his supervisor complaining about his continued harassment of their staff. That resulted in an hour long meeting with Maynard to discuss his conduct, and how he couldn't embarrass the department any more.

Returning to his desk after yet another baffling meeting with the maintenance department (no, there is no precedent for the weather charms working in reverse if you cast them backwards) Theo spotted a small package on top of his inbox. Cautiously he cast a few detection charms frowning when they all came back negative. He wasn't expecting a package, and even this many years after the war he could still occasionally receive unwanted presents that tended to result in an afternoon at St Mungo's if he wasn't careful.

Better safe than sorry, he used an unwrapping charm that Pansy taught him back in seventh year in one of the few conversations the girl had deigned to have with him at the time.

In the box was a small pocket sneakoscope, a handwritten tag looped around the stem. After a few more detection charms came back negative Theo gingerly picked up the tag, suppressing a sad smile at the familiar scraggely writing.

Theo, I am sorry for yelling this morning. I know you care and are only trying to help. I found this when clearing through my school trunk. Thought it might help you with all those cursed books you keep ordering.


Once again the man had surprised him. He had completely overstepped the boundaries this morning yet here Harry was apologising to him. He needed to get the man's sense of self worth up.

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