beomgyu kept silent but instantly regretted doing so as his uncle only grew more enraged. "answer me." he shoved him again. "i said-" and again. "do-" again. "you-" again. "hear me?!" and again.

the trembling boy was practically backed up against the wall now with his uncle right in front of him, so close that he could smell the alcohol from his breath. looking down at his feet and shaking hands, beomgyu replied. "yes, sir."

FHWACK! a hard slap was sent across his face. his hand shakily cupped his cheek as he choked back a sob. "look at me when i'm speaking to you." his uncle ordered sternly.

beomgyu rose his head and stared directly into his uncle's eyes, his vision blurred from the tears that he refused to let fall. "sorry, sir." he apologized.

the boy's head snapped to the side as another slap was delivered to his other cheek. no matter how much his cheeks stung though, he wasn't going to let his uncle see him cry and give him another thing to use against him. beomgyu composed himself as much as he could and forced himself to look at the middle aged man once again as if he were unaffected from the delivered blows to his face.

"you and your good for nothing apologies." the man complained and swiftly kicked the back of beomgyu's knees, causing them to buckle and him to drop to the floor. "that's better!" he laughed, his drunken state very evident. "if you're going to apologize, at least do it right by getting on your knees."

his uncle stumbled backwards a bit as he tried to crouch down and meet beomgyu's eyes. as he regained his balance, he hunched over in front of the kneeling boy and tugged on the ends of his long black hair. "you're lucky my hand hurts already after only hitting you twice because this fucking hair of yours is really making me want to hit you again."

beomgyu winced in pain as his uncle kept tugging on his hair roughly. "cut your fucking hair already, won't you? it makes you look even worse than you already do." he spat at him. "what a fucking eyesore..."

as the drunken man fixed his posture and made his way back to the couch where he knocked out almost instantly, beomgyu slowly picked himself up off the floor and wiped his cheek. he grabbed his bag and made his way to his room at the end of the hallway, not forgetting to lock the door behind him.

tossing his bag to the edge his bed, beomgyu sat down at his desk and stared blankly at himself in the mirror across from him. his cheeks were red and beginning to bruise; a couple of small scratches were present as well from his uncle's fingernails scraping the surface skin; and his hair was disheveled from the constant tugging.

however, despite everything that just happened and his current appearance, beomgyu was smiling. behind the curtains of his hair, there was a smile on his face.

while his uncle kept bashing his hair and overall appearance, beomgyu found himself being rather unbothered by the mans harsh words for once in his life because throughout the midst of it all, the boy's mind traveled back to one specific person.


"you know, i'm not sure if i've ever told you this, but you have really nice hair. i love it. i think it suits you a lot."

her words from the previous night replayed in his mind as his uncle tugged at his hair and somehow those were enough to give him the strength to ignore the older mans insults.

they were sincere and full of love and adoration; all of which beomgyu could feel through just the words alone. even if she wasn't with him physically in times like this, she was still present in his mind, and that in itself was enough for him.

he was grateful for her, more than one could even imagine. she was the only person who had ever had this kind of effect on him; possibly even the only one who could. yet, he was still unable to pinpoint what exactly it was he felt for her.

"maybe i just admire her?" he thought aloud to himself. "or this is just what it feels like to have a best friend?"

but as he pondered on it more, he couldn't help but think: "or maybe i like her? ...possibly even lo-" he instantly shook the thought out of his head. "ugh... i need to clear my head." he groaned, standing up and picking up his bag and skateboard that was perched against the wall, then slipping out the window beside his desk.

i didn't wanna cut this chapter too short so i hope it wasn't too long!

not sure if it seems like the pacing of their relationship is too fast or not, but personally i feel like it's been long enough!
or maybe i just want to move things along so i can write more 'coupley' and cute interactions between the two :p (oops)

thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed! <3

say you love me | choi beomgyu 최범규Where stories live. Discover now