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3rd POV

new day for niki.

he woke up the moment his alarm started to ring loudly, making him groan and turn on his side, grabbing his phone and stopping the annoying noise

it would always ruin his amazing sleep.

he sighed loudly, moving back on his back, eyes closed once he got off his blindfold so he could get used to the faint light in the room

another boring day for him

he always had to do the same old ass boring algorithm: wake up, go to work, receive a break for eating where he would gossip with the rest of the workers, get back to work, go home, sleep, and wake up again

luckily he could add a little fun, right?

who knows if he wouldn't become a robot if he kept living the same way

just like on any other days, he got up and made his bed before walking bored towards the windows, moving away the night curtains as now more light made its way into the chamber, making niki tightly close his eyes, groaning in annoyance

after that, he walked towards his personal bathroom, starting to do his morning routine, the first thing being a cold shower

after that, he walked out of the stall with a single towel on his waist, covering his private parts as he was checking himself in the mirror, hands resting on the counter before deciding to also wash his teeth and face

he was a pretty boy

actually, he was gorgeous

only if people also knew he was crazy gorgeous.

just like a sour candy.

you feel like drooling when you see it

yet, if you dare to upset him, you will die choking on the candy because of its sourness.

he got out of the bathroom and walked towards his closet, opening it and getting out a pair of large black jeans he matched with a white t-shirt placed underneath a black hoodie


because we won't want some nice clothes to be ruined later this day, would we?


the super market's door slid open as the sensor noticed niki's silhouette

niki walked inside the building who luckily had the A/C on, chilling his sweating self.

he already wanted to get back home.

he was way too lazy to deal with the strangers' faces, but, did he have a choice?

he needed the money, so he better stops whining around and better get behind the counter top so he could start his shift

his coworker noticed him and saluted the younger who replied back, letting the boy in front of him take a break as he would take over the work

it was still pretty early, so there weren't too many people who were coming in

"how are you, niki" his coworker asked, making the younger raise his head and look up at the boy beside him

"meh, could've been better, minjun hyung. what about you"

he was just being respectful, because he couldn't give a fuck less about how the older was

no offence, but he was way too bored and uninterested in everything around him

no action, no adrenaline, nothing.

Criminal Love- Enhypen x Ni-KiWhere stories live. Discover now