The Newest Wanderer

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From that day onwards, Gia's footy journey flourished. She walked into the Kellyville Kolts Soccer Club the day after and handed in her sign-up form, high-fiving Georgia and Kelly, her newest friends. Each training session passed in a breeze, and she played her first games for the local club. Their coach, Sarah, couldn't seem to praise her enough, gushing about her agility with the ball and her physicality. She was upgraded from a sub, to a regular starter, and became the most prominent player on the team. Playing as a left-wing opposite Georgia, she scored 20 goals across her 15 games and found her name regularly printed in the Kellyville local paper.

Every now and then, she still felt a phantom stab of pain as she passed girls wearing warm-up booties, sequin-bedazzled costumes, and gelled hair-dos, but she no longer felt the need to curl up in a ball and sulk. Her heart was beginning to beat for another sport. Soccer took over her life. She would walk around her house, juggling a tennis ball, fight with Anton over the TV remote to watch the most recent W-League match and spend hours dribbling her soccer ball around chairs - her defenders. Gia and her dad woke up at the break of dawn to walk to the neigbourhood park and run laps around the grass field, before working on her passing and shooting. It may seem childish, but she imagined stadiums chanting her name, and a camera panning across her face as she kicked the 'penalty' over and over again.

Her 16th game against the Castle Hill Rockets passed by in a flash, with the Kellyville Kolts winning 4-1. She had scored two of the goals and provided an assist to Georgia and she was practically giddy with joy as she ran off the field after the game. On her way to celebrate the club's win with her parents, Anton, and her sister Norah whom she had been shocked to see, she was stopped by a tall woman dressed head-to-toe in Navy. 

'My name is Kat Smith,' she started.

Gia only remembered 3 words from the rest of their conversation.

'Western Sydney Wanderers.'


When Gia broke the news to the Kellyville Kolts, she was greeted with applause, then tears. Although she had only spent two months at the club, she had formed true connections with her teammates, and formed friendships that she knew would last forever. Georgia and Kelly had wrapped her in their arms and placed her on their shoulders, cheering loudly as they charged toward the rest of the team. Even Sarah, the stone-cold coach had shed a tear and proudly patted the back of the now W-League player. Gia was hugged and held, and she beamed at the support and energy that they gave her. The Kellyville Kolts would stay in her memory and heart forever.


Gia's first training session with the Wanderers was a blur of nerves and excitement. As she laced the ribbons on her soccer boots and tied back her hair, she took in a deep breath and glanced at the mirror. She seemed changed; happier, maybe, with prominent freckles from her outdoors training in the sun, tougher features, and brighter under-eyes.Her graceful shoulders and delicate fingers of a ballerina were lost alongside the worry of following a strict diet and constantly managing her physique. 

A notification pinged on her phone and she clicked on her newest message on Instagram, sticking out her tongue as she struggled through the app. She had downloaded it only a few days ago and already had 50 followers, feeling quite famous.

Cortnee Vine:
Hey Gia! So excited to meet you today! Come meet us outside the Park at 9 🥰

Gia smiled to herself. Cortnee Vine was a beloved and already famous member of the Wanderers, and she couldn't help but be starstruck by the message. The Cortnee Vine had just messaged her a heart and smile emoji. What the hell. 


Gia's hands shook slightly as she neared the park. She would be meeting not only Cortnee Vine but also her fellow Matildas - Courtney Nevin and Kyra-Cooney-Cross. Oh - and Lynn Williams. She was slightly shaken by the fact that Courtney Nevin had played soccer for 10 years and was already on the national team while Gia herself had played for four months. Would she be able to play to their level? Would she be able to live up to Kat Smith's expectations?


Possibly not. Kat Smith was even more expressionless than stone-faced Sarah from Kellyville Kolts, and Gia didn't have a single clue as to what went on inside her head. Gia would miss an easy ball passed from Kyra, and be met with a blank stare. She would shoot in a goal from halfway across the field and be met with a blank stare. It was like trying to converse with a mannequin. Cortnee smiled at Gia as she caught her gazing at the stony coach in confusion.

'We call her Poker-Smith. She has the best poker-face, even though she doesn't mean to.'

Gia laughed with the redhead, and the two of them walked off the field together for their water break. Despite having met the girl a few hours prior, she couldn't help but feel attached to the sweet girl with her fiery hair and dazzling smile. 

'Can I be honest?' she asked the younger girl. Cortnee nodded instantly and smiled.

'I'm kinda in awe. You guys are all so amazing. You're literally an Olympic star.'

'Nah, I'm not a star. We leave that to Sam Kerr. I'm just happy to be there, I guess... but you're so amazing too, you'll definitely be key to the Wanderers.'

Gia beamed at the compliment, and the two continued their conversation as the rest of the Wanderers joined around. They patted Gia on the back, welcoming her as the Newest Wanderer, and she felt her spirit lift up to the darkening sky.


The starting lineup for the game in two days was pasted against the notice board, and the Wanderers gathered around to read. Cortnee exclaimed in joy and slapped Gia on the back as she peered over the list of names.

'Lee! You're on it!' 

Gia's jaw dropped as she found that her name was indeed on the list. 

2019 Lineup
Gia Lee: Right Wing-Back

'What the hell! I didn't know we were versing Brisbane Roar?!'

Gia exhaled loudly, making the girls laugh. Brisbane Roar was an insanely formidable opponent, and to be facing them during her debut for the Wanderers was slightly daunting. 

'Wait until you see who their Right Wing is,' Kyra added with a grin.


'The Hayley Raso.'


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