Day 3 Hate sex

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"Mother fucker are you serious two black people at this school" Mavea rushed to put her clothes on. Why she thought it would be a good idea to fuck one of the most racist (but finest) motherfucker at her school she had no idea. But she did. And now she was facing the consequences of her actions.

"Uno, dos negros en esta maldita escuela. she repeated in Spanish. "And you call out Maya? Fucking Maya. Do I look like fucking Maya" she laughed but nothing was funny.

"May- fuck Dana I'm sorry" he followed her out the bed trying his best keep her in the room. At least long enough for her to slobber on his cock.

"Who the fuck is Dana," she took a breath trying her hardest to stop herself from wringing that wanna be frat boys neck, "Fuck you Tyler," she stormed out that room slamming the door on her way out.

She couldn't tell you what he did when she left. But from the sounds of drywall splitting and a cry if pain she was sure he'd punched the a hole in the wall.

She wished she could say that that was the end of them and they never talked again. Only saw each other in the hallways of Saint Paul Highschool and went on with there lives.

But that wasn't the fucking case. That Billy Hargrove lookalike could not get over the face that she blue balled him.

It was around the end of the day. All she had on her mind was getting to this party she'd been so excited for. She looked at herself in the mirror busy replying chapstick.

She felt him. Everyday like clock work there he was poking at her in a desperate attempt to make her regret sleeping with him.

"Don't you got a cross to burn or some shit" she didn't even look from the mirror.  She could tell it was him by the sound of those dumbass steel toe shoes hitting the Vinly floors.

"Don't you got-" he started.

"Finish that sentence see how fast I shove my foot up that ass" she threatened still busy looking at herself in the mirror. Which was a way better view then whatever goblin porno he crawled out of.

"I was just asking about practice today are you coming?" He answered smugly he didn't care about wrestling practice he wanted a excuse to have her in a compromising position.

"Party" she closed her locker now face to face with this ugly, hideous, man. His stupid brown fluffy mullet looking like he just got out of the fucking 80s.

His disgusting acorn brown eyes, the way he licked his plumb red lips that would look so good eating her pu-

"You don't gotta be a bitch about it" he leaned his body on the lockers.

"No one was being a fucking bitch" her eyes rolled so hard it was painful.

He brushed his arm against her arm causing her to squrim from his touch. "You are a cunt" he laughed at her reaction.

"Get the fuck out my face nigga" she slapped his hand away from her face.

"Ok bye Maya" he smirked turning around to leave. She wished he hated her as much as she did him.

She opened her mouth to argue but decided to go against that. Instead she walked to her car. Determined to get home, get changed, and go to this costume party.

The sounds of that dog show with the blue dog greated her when she walked through the door. Letting her know that the only person home was her dog, Moca. Who was to busy sleeping to notice she'd came home.

She walked upstairs without a word to her room, her costume, which was just a white furry tube top with a white skirt. All her silver jewelry laid out by the costume as well as a bunch of white accessories.

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