THE meeting.

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I need to go to sleep but i can't so if it's not understandable then my fault oops!!! Also my brain tricked me into thinking the last chapter or whatever was cringy like wtf??

Update: Also im back from my year long hiatus i just didn't have the strength for cringe but it turns out this isn't AS bad as the first fanfic... Anyways: message's/notepad  =  / Text 


Kylee felt light pressure as she felt she slowly reached the hard wood floor of a living room apartment, she opened her eye's. Kylee scanned in confusion and amazement around the room, next to her was a wood table infront of the wood table was a TV on the wall with a small drawer under, 2 of them next to each other seemingly open revealing different stuff, the first one had swimsuits and the other was with pills for headaches and diarrhea as far as she could read at least, behind her was a couch pushed on the wall, in the corner of the room was a gaming setup, this was seemingly a room of a human, everything felt weird but she was not hurt, the mesmerizing feel of seeing this human room was cloaked over the fear of where she was, the fear slowly gone away but suddenly...


As Kylee stood up, in pure fearing confusion, and slowly turned her head to the door, she saw.... A human, she had a coffee in one hand and a Sandwich in the other.

Jessica: ???? (What are you, who are you and why are you here?)

Kylee: ???? (Um... What?)

They both started at eachother in confusion knowing they fucking don't know what they both are saying, suddently Jessica sits on the couch and signals Kylee to sit down. Kylee slowly gets onto the couch, still smaller than Jessica even when sitting. Jessica puts her coffee on the table and opens her windows 11 laptop, Kylee can see the date 5th of April 2024 when the laptop finally boots up. Jessica inputs some kind of password and gets out the notepad app and signals for Kylee to look at the keyboard. Kylee inspects the keyboard, the letter symbols are different yet still in the same place, Kylee starts typing...


Jessica starts to type after Kylee, leaving a space...


They talk a little bit more on how Kylee got there until Jessica gives Kylee specific questions, Kylee slowly learning emoticons meaning from Jessica's responses.

Jessica: / What is your species? You look like an evolved squid species that have small but still big similarities to me and other humans lol.

Kylee: / I'm a Inkling! And yes Inkling is a part of a squid species based on humans. :]

Jessica: / Cool! Where are you from?

Kylee: / Inkopolis!

Jessica: / I have never heard of that place but it sounds SUPER cool <3 I'm from London!

Kylee: /  Oh! That sounds cool!

Jessica just casually pulls out a spare phone and gives it to Kylee...

Jessica texts Kylee: / "Hey!"

Kylee: / "This is AMAZING!!"

Jessica: / "I KNOW!!!"


Jessica: / "Wanna head out to the supermarket?

Kylee: / "Sure!" (But Kylee has no idea what that means, which is a supermarket.)

Jessica: / "But I need to give you stuff first."

Kylee: / "What is it?"

Jessica sits up, and scavenges through the spare closet and gives Kylee a black face mask, sunglasses, black beanie and a older and smaller black hoodie.

Jessica: / "Here you go, keep them on so they don't get suspicious lmao."

Kylee: / "What does lmao mean?"

Jessica: / "Lmao means Laughing my ass off"

Kylee: / "Cool!"

Jessica: "You should probably change into more outside-y clothes."

Kylee: / "Alright :3"

Kylee goes to the Living room and closes the door while Jessica is waiting in the hall, some seconds later Kylee opens the living room door and gets the spare boots that Jessica pointed at.

Kylee: / "Ready! Let's go out!!" 

Jessica: / "Mhm"

Jessica and Kylee go down the stairs, outside and go out to the supermarket.


I'm falling asleep help

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