Unusual Place

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Sol was moving weirdly. Black Hole pointed it out to Lightning and he responded."Oh, yeah the Earth turns so it looks like the sun is moving when in reality we are"

"The sun? You mean Sol.?" Black Hole had asked he didn't know what these things call him but it was nice to learn new stuff.

"Sol? That's Spanish for Sun silly, not the actual name" Lightning chuckled. Sol was dipping now and it seemed darker.

"What happened!" Black Hole fluffed up as the night flooded the day. "Where's the rays!" Black Hole felt he was being stared at and floated an inch above the floor copying Pillow's leg movements.

"Oh right, when the earth spins the sun will seem to be disappearing, all it is that the other side of the world now has the Sun and is daytime." Lightning explained "You'll learn stuff on space in science. Though you may not need to!"

"Heh, ok.. what's that.. Short leafy thing" Black Hole pointed to the thing he had almost destroyed.

"That's a bush, you don't know much about Earth do you?" Lightning seemed interested in Black Hole's knowledge of this ' earth ' place.

"No, I've never been here." Black Hole tried to smile, not having a mouth was easy for him but it seemed weird to others. They'd stare at him and gossip about whatever. Black Hole just floated close enough to the ground that it looked like he was walking.

"I'll show ya around the block tomorrow! After school of course." Lightning smiled at Black Hole. He realized Pillow was thinking about something.

"Pillow?" Black Hole floated next to her trying to get her attention.

"How do I get lasers?" She turned to Lightning not seeming to notice Black Hole. "Only Four has them." Pillow's expression never seemed to change from this menacing stare and slight smile, It defiantly creeped Black Hole out.

"Ask Four, They most likely will say no." Lightning looked at her then to Black Hole. "Maybe watch out? If she gets those Lasers she's comin' for ya."

"Oh-" Black Hole looked at Pillow, she was staring at him with lifeless orange eyes and a blank smile. It made him unsettled even being near her but he'll have to suck it up and deal with it.

"I'll ask him tomorrow, I have him for math." Pillow said in a cold tone, her eyes emotionless though he saw a hint of mischief.

"Fine."Lightning rolled his eyes. He turned to Black Hole. "Here we are! The dorms. The school didn't have enough money to attach them so it's a little bit of a walk, sorry about that heh!" Lightning smiled slightly.

"That's fine." Black Hole looked up at the large ' apartment ' That other thing must have been the school. The only reason he knows the word is because other astral beings were talking about it and he happened to overhear them.

"Come inside!" Lightning guided him down a long, empty, space. It was littered with tall things that led to more spaces. "Those are doors, BTW! This is a hallway" Lightning chuckled.

"Oh, Hallway." The word sounded weird coming from him. He looked at the doors, Seethrough stuff was blocking him from entering. "What's that?" Black Hole pointed to the Seethrough stuff. It was weird, he didn't like it.

"That's glass, or well I guess a window." Lightning said, his voice had a hint of laughter. Black Hole just noticed Pillow was missing, looking around for her he heard Lightning say "She's in her dorm, don't worry"

"Oh OK.." Black Hole spoke in a low voice, he was scared to be heard by others. He didn't like meeting new people, especially new species.

"Yeah, keep your voice down. The others must be sleeping." Lightning said, opening a door. Inside was a large space. It had brown walls and a light yellowish floor. He knew those words from Lightning. The floor had a red, soft thing in the middle by a large black thing. "Couch and TV." Lightning pointed to the two. "That's a kitchen! It's used to make food. Yanno I just realized you know English pretty well from not bein' here."

"Oh, uh... Star taught me.. They're not someone you'd know.." Black Hole looked down at the floor-thing. He thought that people who were perceived as idiots could do all this! Rusling came from a door just off this one. He jumped as it sounded again. Lightning floated over and spoke out of earshot.

"Sorry, in dorms we have roommates I'll introduce you to mine tomorrow." Lightning said his voice was calm and he smiled slightly.  

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