✩Chapter 9✩

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The wedding began.
Everyone sat in their seats as the music began to play.
They all watched you come in and sprinkled some flowers left and right for the bride to come aka Roxanne.

Once you came to the front, you sat down.
And there she is, Roxanne walking down the isle.
You looked at Freddy to see him smile but also nervous. He was nice dressed in his suit.

When Roxanne came to Freddy, they started to do their vowels.
"I now pronounce you as Husband—!"
"I OBJECT!" Circus baby crashed in and everyone gasped.

"Sorry, I might've been a little late, it's fine, it's cool."
Baby put her hands up.
"It's been a couple of nights and it's been crazy."

There was an awkward silence.
"Uh Circus baby you're a little bit late"
Gregory whispered.
"A little bit late" Monty said.
"Pretty late" Chica said.

"W-what do you mean late Gregory?" Roxanne was confused.
"Because from what I understood she wasn't invited." She looked directly at Baby.
"OOHH" you and Monty said.

"Well here I am" Baby said.
"Should we get popcorn?" Funtime foxy said.
"Drama drama, I love the drama here" Monty mumbled.
"Circus baby what are you doing here?"
Freddy questioned.

"T-this is important" Gregory said.
Baby explained how her and Roxanne were best friends.
The audience started to shout, fight fight, but Baby said no they're not going to fight.
"Does she have a crush on Roxanne?" Funtime foxy said.

"N-no! I don't have a crush on Roxanne" Baby said.
"She has a crush on someone but it's not Roxanne" Gregory corrected.
"What is going on?!" Roxy I was confused of what the whole situation is.
You try to keep your mouth shut, but you couldn't
You try to keep it together but you couldn't.

"Roxanne listen" you stood up.
"W-what, do you know about this?"
"Well yeah but—"

"And you didn't tell me!" Hearing Roxanne's voice she sounded hurt. you felt so terrible.
"W-well I didn't want to ruin your special day and I know that how much this means to you.
As a matter of fact, I kind of have the feeling about this being a bad idea."
Everyone looked confused of what you were talking about.

"You see....I have magic"
"Magic?" Funtime foxy snickered.
"Yeah right!"
Everyone agreed with him, not believing you actually do have magic.
"Don't believe me? Watch"
You used your blasters to blast a couple of empty chairs, knocking them over, making everyone jump.

"I've been hiding it"
"I mean there's times we saw your charm glow, so it's not that of a surprise, it's surprising, but not that surprising." Gregory said.
Yeah, but that's not. The only thing I could do you see, you see I said I could sense danger because I kid any time when there's danger or I don't know danger about to happen or something that's gonna go wrong I get a spark to alert me."

You padded down your dress.
"And any time when Roxanne mentions her getting married to Freddy, it does the spark thing, and I was surprised at first, when it didn't spark when I heard Gregory saying he was gonna crash it with a circus baby. but I figured that's because it's a good thing to do that. That is the right thing to do because this wedding isn't a good idea."
You explained.
Everyone took time to process.

"I can't believe you were keeping secrets from me. I took care of you for the past month and this is how you repay me."

Roxanne sobbed.
"I-I'm sorry Roxanne" you felt tears streaming down your cheeks.
"You know Y/n I was considering you as being part of the family."
Your heart stopped after she said that.
Baby went on to explain again how her and Roxanne we're friends and what is best if to do.

"Roxanne I'm sorry for what I'm about to do....but I'm also not"
Baby approaches Roxanne slowly.
"WAIT! WAIT! NO! NO!" Freddy, Monty and Gregory shouted for baby to stop but she took out the chip and Roxanne collapsed.
"ROXANNE!!" You shouted, running to her.
When you did a big  f/c explosion happened by you, making everyone gasp.

They and the chairs went all over the place.

|Several hours later|

Everyone was now at cafe.
Gregory was worried for Roxanne and asked Freddy of how she's doing but scared to tell them and Monty told them not to.
Meanwhile, you sat on the corner, crying your eyes out.
What is wrong with me? you questioned yourself. you felt so horrible you feel like you're the monster here. Someone that cared for you, you watched collapse to the ground.
And you made it worse with the explosion.

"Specialty Glamrock latte" Chica read the menu.
"With the Montgomery mango mochi"
"It's literally in the recipe tells you how to make it" Monty said.
"Guys this is serious" Gregory, getting everyone back on topic.
"Roxanne could be seriously hurt or dead and
Y/n over their crying feeling Guilty and you guys are talking about food?!"

"I'm not" Freddy said.
"Well, if you want someone to blame all of that stuff, she's right there" Monty pointed at Baby.
"Yeah" Baby frowned.

"Gregory I don't know how... just give me a minute" Freddy rubbed his head.
"What is wrong with me? why didn't I tell her before?" You sobbed between your tears.
"I knew from the start. This was a bad idea I felt it and I just let it happen."

"It's not your fault Y/n" Gregory.
What did you hear what I said I sensed it. I knew the danger and I never said anything."
"We herd you Y/n" Freddy spoke
"But don't blame yourself. It wasn't your idea in the first place."

You got up and back up a bit, while crossing her arms.
"Someone that cared for me, took me in, and helped me get back on my feet and saw me as a family figure, gone and hurt ... and I let it happened."

You started to walk to the door.
""I don't belong here, I shouldn't be around you, I'll cause more destruction just like what I did with that explosion earlier. I don't want to hurt no one else. Maybe being by myself is the best." you walked out the door.
"Y/—" Gregory called, but you close the door before he could finish.

You ran and ran out of the pizzaplex with tears still in your eyes and crying them out.
It's best to stay out of everyone's site. They now know you have magic and you could see how dangerous it is to them, and not only that......
Roxanne.you hurt her so much after all she's done for you, you just let her get hurt.

You came to a stop and collapse to the ground.
You lift your head up and screamed so loud that the explosion came back again knocking down everything and you hear car alarms go off.
You collapse to the ground again, throwing another tantrum to the ground.

He started to feel a little better but your eyes were still puffy and watery.
You don't wanna leave the place. It felt like home to you. I know it's weird for you to say, but Roxanne would go here most of the time, yes you live at her house, but this felt more like home.

You smile and chuckled to yourself for a bit then went back to frowning. he got up from the floor and walked back to the pizzaplex.

☽☀︎︎HEY SOUL SⵊSTER!☀︎︎☾The S.A.M.S.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora