chat 9

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know school was OK. you had never been so you didn't have high expectations. Thou you did get to meet Luca and Elizabeth, and they are the newest members of your gang. You only needed one more person. That person is one to take care of money, but so far nothing. Elizabeth was helping you search.

Liza-"So what kind of person are you into"

When she ask you that your mind immediately went to izana and a small black sh rose to your cheeks.

Liza-"Aww your blushing you like someone don't you"

M/n-"No, no I don't"

Liza-"You totally do. Who is it"

M/n-"No I don't"

Liza-"Whatever I will find out eventually"

Man-"You get out now"

???-"What did I even do"

Man-"Don't act like you don't know, now get out you are no longer my son. Go live with your whore of a mother"

M/n-"you ok"

???-"what do you want"

M/n-"just wanted to know if you were ok nothing more"

???-"why does it matter"

Liza-"listen he is just trying to be nice why don't you understand that"

???-"kindness please no one has ever shown me kindness"

Liza-"well he is trying to so the least you could do is answer him."

???-"fine. I'm fine"

Then he takes a look at you uniform.

???-"wait your in blue phoenix, I am so sorry I didn't know"

M/n-"it's fine"

???-"how can I make it up to you"

M/n-"you could give me your name"

???-"oh my name is Alex"

M/n-"and what exactly can you do Alex"

Alex-"well I like to think that I am good at designing stuff"

M/n-"is that so, then can you show me"


M/n-"yes really"

Alex-"then follow me"

You and Elizabeth follow Alex to an abandoned warehouse. You enter and he turns on the light. He thought that everything would be untouched but when he turned on the lights he saw everything trashed. His mannequins on the floor. Fabric ripped, needles everywhere. Paint all over the place.

Alex-"what what happened"

G/m(gang member)-"this is what happens when you leave us"

G/m2-"you mess with the bull you get the horns"

Alex-"but why. Why did you trash the place"

G/m3-"the leader kicked you out so we trash the place"

M/n-"know that seems unfair don't you think"

G/m-"and who the hell are you"

M/n-"aww you want to know little old me, well I'm no one important"

G/m2-"let's beat him up"

G/m-"yeah let's"

Then the three of them charge words you, but they fail. You move out the way and then end up hitting each other.

M/n-"if you excuse me I will be on my way know"

G/m-"not yet I'm not done with you"

m/n-"yes you are"

then the gang member passed out.

m./n-"i know of an rea that you can use to make your things."


m/n-"yes come with me"

then they walk to a bigger Wearhouse.

alex-"you man that this is all mine"

m/n-"yep nock your self out, oh and here"

you throw him a gang uniform 

alex-"are you serious" 

m/n-"yes yes i am"

Then Alex started getting to work like there was no one else with him.

liza-"why did you bring him on"

m/n-because i could uses someone who has that kind of skill, and can fight."(basically your own Mistuya)

m/n-"know back to what we were looking for"

Alex-"what were you looking for"

liza-"someone who is good with money"

Alex-"i may know some people"

m/n-"do tell"

Alex-"there names are Michael and Ace, they run a company where i sell my products at so maybe i can do a little something"

m/n-"how old are they"

Alex-"Michael is 16 and Ace is 12"

m/n-"ace maybe a little young but baggers can't be choosers can you try to arrange a meeting between the two"

Alex-"i think they are available next week"

m/.n-"that works"


Mikey-"m/n hasn't talked to us in a while"

Draken-"maybe he got annoyed of you"

m/n-"no i have been busy building my gang"

Mikey-What i wanted to add you into mine."  

Baji-"Know i want to know what gang he is creating"

m/n-"Oh just a little gang 2nd generation Blue phoenix"

Mikey-"what know i have to fight against my friend"

m/n-"who ever said anything about me fighting, i'm just trying to get gang members. Oh gtg someone is calling me"


Izana-"hey m/n"

m/n-"hey izana did you need something"

Izana-"just wanted to see how your gang building is going"

m/n-"it's going great i have a meeting with someone next week"

izana-"meeting for what"

m/n-"to see is i can get someone to work out finances"

izana-"why do you need a meeting"

m/n-" they apparently work for a big business"

izana-" oh well i have to go talk to you later"

m/n-"yeah bye" 

izana-" bye"

Liza-"what was that about"

m/n"nothing important"

liza-"i think it was you had a blush on your face while talking to him"

m/n-"shut up"

the the two of you go your separate ways and go home.

Who are you (Tokyo revengers x m!reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant