Pisces sat on the floor next to Scorpio, the Evil Queen had gone to make them a kingdom drink that Pisces didn't like the sound of. "Why did you take me here?" Pisces whispered and Scorpio shrugged. "I though you might want to meet someone considered a villain, also don't mention Snow White or Cetus, and don't mention this to them either" Scorpio said and Pisces nodded. The Evil Queen strolled back in holding two cups or sticky black liquid, she offered one to both kids before she sat down on the only chair in the entire house. "W-what is this?" Pisces asked uncertainly as the black liquid made a squelching sound when she tipped the cup. "It's called a Death Drinker, a mix of tar and goats milk it's perfectly safe I think" Scorpio said as he took a long gulp of the black liquid from his cup and grinned once he finished. Pisces looked back down at the liquid before bringing it up to her mouth and taking a sip. She didn't even finish the sip before she spat it back out and looked at Scorpio horrified. "This is disgusting!" she cried and Scorpio began laughing so much he fell over. "I would make it for Scorpio whenever he came over, he loves it" the Evil Queen said as she looked at Scorpio affectionately. "You visited here when you were younger?" Pisces asked and Scorpio nodded. "Yeah, is something ever happened in the castle I was told to go here so I ended up here very second day" Scorpio said and the queen nodded. Pisces frowned and looked down at her hands, was the Evil Queens personality she had been taught in class lies? Pisces looked up at the queen, she was chatting to Scorpio and drinking some of the awful drink. Pisces looked down at her own cup and took another sip, the more she tried it the more she realized it wasn't that bad. "We need to start heading back Pisces, we're running out of time" Scorpio said and Pisces nodded as she got to her feat. "Thank you for the drink" Pisces said with a bow and the Evil Queen nodded. "Come again, this time maybe bring your own drink if you don't like mine" the queen said before she turned and walked away from the zodiacs and strolling away. "She didn't seem evil? She was terrifying though" Pisces said confused and Scorpio nodded as he lead her down the pathway and back onto the roads. "She only tried to kill a child, sure she would have killed more if they were more beautiful but still" Scorpio said and Pisces nodded. "She was nice" Pisces said and Scorpio turned to her with a confused expression before he quickly turned away as Pisces met his eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked but Scorpio didn't say anything, instead he dragged her into an alleyway and pushed her against the wall. Pisces gasped as the wind was knocked out of her but quickly realized what Scorpio saw. Gaston was walking down the street with two boys who were clearly his sons, all the color seemed to have drained out of Gaston except the angry glint in his icy blue eyes. "Stay here, they'll recognize you if they see you" Scorpio whispered and Pisces nodded nervously. Gaston and his boys began taunting and stealing all the people on the streets, one of Gaston's boy even forcefully kissed a girls neck before stealing her necklace. "Now that Maleficent's son is gone, this territory is ours!" Gaston yelled and women and girls began screaming as they ran away. "What's going on?" Pisces asked confused as she saw women and girls run away as fast as they could. Scorpio sighed before turning to her "Gaston and his boys like forcing themselves on any woman they can lay their hands on, as well as the smaller one going for guys to" he whispered before dragging her down the alleyway and onto a backstreet. "We have to hurry, the portal can only hide itself for a while longer" Scorpio said as he began running down the street with Pisces. Angry yells and shouts could be heard all around as people saw Scorpio and Pisces, Pisces was shocked to here most people telling Scorpio to leave and throwing things at him. A bottle smashed just above her head and she screamed before running faster and then screaming as she realized they were being followed. They finally made it to the portal and Scorpio revealed it's whereabouts before pulling Pisces through quickly, a boy had followed them all the way to the border and was about to jump through when Scorpio shut the portal. Pisces looked down horrified as she saw the boys severed finger lay on the ground from where the portal had chopped it off, the boy also screamed as he held his hand. "Ah we found Qui-Gon, Shan Yu's only son" Scorpio said as he saw the boy run away. "Shan Yu, the one who tried to kill Mulan?" Pisces asked as she caught her breath back, Scorpio nodded before suing a spell to teleport them back the house. The looked at each other before both walking through the front door. "Ah Pisces, what was the phone call about?" Leo asked as Pisces walked through the door. "Ah just my mum telling me I forgot something" Pisces lied and Leo nodded. Pisces looked again at Scorpio, she had never realized how much more colorful he was compared to everyone else in the kingdom. Scorpio turned around and saw Pisces staring at him, he held up his hand and gave her a small wave before leaving the room and Pisces grinned and hoped she had made a new friend. Pisces smiled more and hoped Scorpio would take her back to the kingdom to meet more villains, but maybe not Gaston and his children. 

"So we were thinking of having a introduction night, would you be interested?" Libra said and Pisces grinned and nodded. "Yeah we're going to have food and everything" Aries said and Sagittarius began shouting all the food he wanted. "Maybe we can dress in our traditional clothes if we have any, I would really like to show you what we wear in Atlantis" Virgo suggested and most people agreed immediately. "That might be hard, all my clothes are torn and rags, I presume everyone else from the kingdoms is the same" Leo said and Pisces remembered the torn clothing everyone had been wearing. "Yeah mine are all useless, Cancer has a nice dress from her mum though" Gemini said as he cuddled Cancer and looked at her with a red blush, practically everyone knew he had a crush on Cancer except Cancer. "Mine are all terrible, I hate hearts" Aquarius said with crossed arms and Pisces frowned. "Maybe you can just wear whatever then" Sagittarius suggested and Aquarius nodded before turning away. "My clothes just look like yours, so I wont be to different" Taurus said as he looked down at his clothing. "You batter wear something nicer, I don't want to be seen with you" Capricorn said and Cetus agreed. "You look like a hobo, so does Pisces boyfriend over there" Cetus said as she gestured to Scorpio who had walked back in. "I don't even know what that is but okay" Taurus said and Pisces began defending herself. "He's not my boyfriend! He's my friend!" she insisted and Scorpio nodded furiously. "We're friends! She's uh not my type, sorry Pisces" Scorpio said as he threw his hands in the air defensively. Pisces gasped and then grinned, she was worried being close to Scorpio would make him like her, but maybe she was overthinking a bit. "Whatever, you certainly look like a couple, just like Libra and Virgo" Ophiuchus said and Virgo made a squeak as Libra began denying everything. "No no no, we're friends!" they both yelled and then laughed at each other. Pisces smiled as she looked at the two, they were clearly going to be a couple sooner or later. 

Well another chapter done, this ones a fair bit longer than the rest have been and sorry for any mistakes I didn't see. Now we have seen some of the villain kingdom and a villain, and mention Gaston and a couple other villains to. Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll hope to see you in whatever I post next. 

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