Chapter 7

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Torrhen awoke to the sound of screeching. A loud and powerful sound that echoed over the island.

He glanced down at Rhaenyra beside him, she was still sound asleep, unbothered by the disturbance. He carefully detangled himself from her, smiling softly at her peaceful expression. It had been hard for them to find that feeling these past weeks, years even.

He stood up, pulling his arms through his discarded coat, leaving the buttons undone, the wind brushing against his bare chest. His hair was a mess, unruly curls pointed in every which way. 

He stared across the distance of the sea, barely able to make out a humongous dark mass covering the stars in the sky as it flew through the sky. The distant roars carrying through the wind and reaching his ears. 

He felt Rhaenyra join his side, latching onto his arm gently and entwining their fingers.

"Vhagar?" She asked quietly.

Torrhen hummed, "I would assume so. Do you think Rhaena claimed her?"

"I don't know." Rhaenyra replied. 

Torrhen stared for a moment longer, Vhagar's roars still echoing over the land. He turned away and faced his wife, softly kissing her forehead. "We should get back."

Rhaenyra hummed, stepping away to collect her coat and Torrhen's tunic. Torrhen took the clothing, shedding his coat and pulling the tunic over his head, before shoving his coat back on. Rhaenyra redressed herself in her coat, hiding where Torrhen had roughly ripped off her dress. 

The two linked hands once again as they walked back to the keep. They were engulfed in a comfortable silence, Rhaenyra playing with the rings on his fingers as they walked. Torrhen smiled softly, squeezing her hand gently. 

Their gentle smiles were wiped off when they were greeted by a guard at the door, with news of a fight breaking out between the children.

Torrhen and Rhaenyra had never run so fast. 

Rhaenyra burst through the doors, hurriedly calling. "Jace?"

Torrhen was a step behind her, searching the room for their boys. They caught sight of them, stood all alone with blood running down their faces. His veins grew cold with rage at the sight.

"Luke!" Rhaenyra's eyes widened, rushing to their sons. Torrhen quickly followed behind her. She crouched in front of Luke, gently urging him to remove his hand from his nose. "Show me. Show me."

Luke cried quietly at the pain, moving his hand to show his parents his broken nose. Torrhen clenched his jaw tightly, turning to Jace. He gently grabbed the boy's chin, moving his head so he could get a better look at the cut on his head. Jace winced as his father gently prodded the cut.

Torrhen breathed through his nose harshly, doing his best to smile softly at his son. "It's not that deep. You're alright."

Jace nodded weakly, leaning into his father's touch. Torrhen sighed, holding the boy close to him. His soft look quickly disappeared as he looked around the room at all the eyes on them, his gentle gaze replaced with cold fury.

"Who did this?" Rhaenyra questioned, seeing Luke and Jace's injuries.

"They attacked me!"

Torrhen stared at the boy, as Aemond turned around the chair to stare at them. His face was a gory mess, a large slash through his right eye stitched up, red and inflamed. 

"He attacked Baela!" Jace argued, Torrhen firmly holding the boy in place by his shoulder's. 

"He broke Luke's nose!"

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