Episode 5: Charmander gets punched in the face

Start from the beginning

Bulbasaur: I don't know I think it looks pretty.

Hitmonchan: Never mind, I'm good, let's kill em.

Charmander: Guess again tator tot! (Charmander said, turning to squirtle immediately) squirtle, I chose you!

Squirtle: what? (Squirtle looked at Charmander confused, instantly being picked up by the fire type and was straight up thrown at the fighting type) AHHHHHH! (Squirtle screamed, hitting hitmonchan by the leg, which didn't do much and when squirtle looked up, he could feel the fear running down his body when he looked up and saw hitmonchan glare at him) uhh hehe...hi.

Gaven: Human hu! (Gaven pointed, a white box appeared in front of him that explained what hitmonchan needed to do)


And with that order, Hitmonchan hit the poor blue Pokémon right past the order while he screamed at practically being flinged away.

Charmander: Well can't say I expect that...alright you two, go get him (Charmander spoke, pushing the two up to hitmonchan to handle it on there own)

Y/N: well uhh...looks like we're gonna fight you now so...Bulbasaur use...something! (Y/N said, not entirely sure what can Bulbasaur do that would be effected against the mad fighting type in front of them after seeing Bulbasaur's weak attack against the Pokémon that should be weak against him)

Bulbasaur: well ok...guess I'm suppose to attack now so...hmm! (Bulbasaur, not sure what he should do and decided to move around left and right, moving in a strange way that only confused hitmonchan that would surprisingly work later) yeah this is an attack right? are you feeling attacked...?

Hitmonchan: I...what is this? I don't get it or why your even following orders from...whatever the hell that thing is...what is this suppose to be, I just...I'm confused...

Gaven: Human hu! (Gaven spoke, another white box appeared in front of him for his attack)

Hitmonchan: you know what, it doesn't matter because I'm about to-

HITMONCHAN punched himself in the face

Hitmonchan: COME ON!? REALLY!? (Hitmonchan yelled his trainer in shock that he would make him do something like that, but with a deep sigh he calmed down, having no choice but to do it)...Guess you know what your doing...(And with that, hitmonchan started punching himself) is it working? (Punch) am I doing it right? (Punch) wow...I'm really strong! (Punch)

Charmander: this is stupid...Y/N your turn, attack!

Y/N: fine fine fine (Y/N went up to hitmonchan who was busy punching himself. He looked down at his leg and used his claws, pinching him as hard as he could)

Hitmonchan: OW! Alright! (Hitmonchan spoke enthusiastically at the fight back, looking down at the little scorpion like pokemon)

Gaven: HUMAN HU! (Hitmonchan looked back, reading what gaven wanted him to do)


Y/N: nah po- AHH! (Y/N screamed, getting kicked away to the direction squirtle was walking back to them)

Squirtle: uhhh what happened- (squirtle asked, rubbing his head while walking back to the three, but on the way he was soon hit by the thrown Y/N as the two rolled away)

Charmander: well that's just sad. Step aside, I'll do it myself (charmander said, walking up to hitmonchan and biting his leg)

Hitmonchan: OW! The leg again!? (He asked, kicking him off as he turned to Charmander to fight)

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