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ATHENA CHECKED HER clock for the third time in five minutes, bouncing her knee and quickly tapping her pencil against her desk as she internally count down the number of minutes left in her tutoring session

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ATHENA CHECKED HER clock for the third time in five minutes, bouncing her knee and quickly tapping her pencil against her desk as she internally count down the number of minutes left in her tutoring session.

She couldn't wait to get Steve out of her house as soon as humanly possible so she could finally start looking for whatever she had stumbled across the other day.

"Stop doing that, you're distracting me." Steve curtly snapped as he continued to write his response to the practice question he was currently answering on his page.

Athena's eyebrows condescendingly raised as she stared at him, eyes deliberately full of taunting malice. "Oh, it pisses you off?"

"Yeah. It pisses me off." Steve deadpanned as he met her calculating state with an equally thoughtless one of his own. "Just like everything else about you."

"Oh, okay, that's good to know." Athena kept her provoking stare on his face as she just intensified her vindictive tapping, earning herself an irked glare from Steve.

"God, you're so annoying." Steve irritatedly snapped as he shook his head, not caring about how immature he sounded.

"And you're just an angel." Athena sarcastically remarked. "I hate you more than you hate me, so you can try to insult me all you want, but it won't work."

"Right because you were so tough after I called you out for being way too sensitive the other day." Steve's words were laced with a faint sense of mockery, as he knew exactly which pressure points to push in order to effectively infuriate her.

Athena shot him the coldest glare she had ever worn in response. "If it weren't for Nancy, you would be long gone by now."

Steve paused, furrowing his eyebrows at the girl as he just blinked. "Did you just threaten to murder me?"

Athena just unenthusiastically raised her eyebrows in return. "Out of everything I have said to you, that is what stands out? One of the several death threats I have made to you? Really?"

Steve just scoffed, practically rolling his eyes in intolerance of her spiteful attitude, and he just shifted his attention back to his work, internally deciding that it wasn't worth arguing with her.

"Twenty minutes left before you leave me the hell alone." Athena jeeringly added, blowing out a long breath as she went back to her page.

"That's the only thing we agree on, twenty minutes can't come fast enough." Steve deadpanned, to which Athena just shot him a disgruntled look once more. "Oh, and by the way, that whole thing at Nancy's earlier, what the hell were you swinging a frying pan around for?"

THE END OF THE F...ING WORLD, stranger thingsWhere stories live. Discover now