Chapter 4: I'm a single dad who is addicted to cool math games

Start from the beginning

my fit ^^

I go downstairs and grab a banana to go.

I quickly go outside and walk the short 5 minutes to the bus stop.

I greet Arlo, he also catches the same bus as me at the same spot. We live a few streets away from eachother.

Our town is fairly small, so we all just live nearby and it's really handy.

"Hi Nels." He yawns.

"Hey." I smile.

"I'm so sleeeepy," He sighs, "I miss Eva."

"You'll see her soon."

The bus ride is boring as usual. But i'd rather the bus than drive, and waste all my fuel money. Its so expensive.


I sit in class, knowing Henry is behind me.

I notice my teacher, Miss Smartass. That's actually not her name, but its what i call her.

Miss Smartass stares at me, and my shirt.

"Nellie." She says.


"You need to go to the principals office. What you're wearing is innapropriate.

Everyone looks as confused as i do.

"Miss, im covered, and plus, people wear worse."

"Nelle, don't make me ask you again."

I take a deep breathe and stand up turning around to pack my things.

Henry and i make eyecontact.

"I'll see you after class." I whisper.

He nods.

I leave the classroom and go to the principals office.

"What you're wearing is not appropriate. Change." He hands me a shirt.

"Why is it not appropriate?" I frown.

"It's too revealing."

"Why are you looking then?" I sneer. I hate when people comment on my outfits when i get dress coded. Why are they looking at me that way? Im a teenage girl, not their partners.

"Go change, Nellie."

I swallow the words that want to come out my mouth and i go to the bathroom across the hall and change into the shirt they gave me.

the shirt ^^

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the shirt ^^

Do they like to humiliate me?

I swallow down my thoughts and walk down the halls as the lunch bell rings.

Henry comes out of class and he walks over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly.

I nod, "Yeah just got dress coded."

His eyes dip down my shirt.

He smiles.

"It's so weird." I stifle a laugh.

"I've got a spare shirt in my locker, do you want that instead?

"That would be amazing." I smile.

We go to his locker and he grabs out a navy blue shirt.

He hands it to me and i smile taking it, "Thank you."

I quickly go to the bathroom and change, putting on his shirt.

It's really oversized, buts it's amazing. It smells so good, it smells just like him.

I leave the bathroom and Henry is there waiting for me.

He looks at my outfit and blushes.

I slowly walk beside him as we go to the cafeteria.

"Did you like watching the ballet class?" I question anxiously.

He nods, "You're great with kids."

"They're cute."

He nods slightly.

"What happened yesterday?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"You looked like you were gonna pass out."

I swallow and try not to let myself show a change in my feelings, "Just was hot."


We go to the cafeteria, and line up for food.

"Do you want to sit with us again, Henry?"

"I don't want to intrude."

"You don't, you would never."

He adjusts his glasses and nods slightly.

We grab our trays and go to the table. We sit beside eachother and i watch as Henry just stares at his food and his legs bounce up and down.

"Hi! How was class?" Arlo starts conversation.

Henry doesn't answer so i do.

"It is was fun, i got dress coded." I grit.

"At least it's not an ugly shirt." Eva says.

"No it was, this is Henry's."

Arlo, Eva, Cora and Lilly all choke on their food looking between us.

I glance back to Henry and he hasn't moved. He's just staring, making no sound, no movement.

All of us look between one another.

"You okay?" I whisper.

No response.

It's like he can't hear me.

It's like he can't hear me

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naughty naught girl

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