That day, Tyrion commanded a trial by combat, at that Moment, nobody knew how much pain and suffering it would bring.

Oberyn offered to fight for tyrion, to fight against the mountain, and while alyssa was still mad at him, she worried for his safety, she knew how cruel the mountain was.

She was sitting next to tywin when the fight started.

"He's a real show off isn't he?" Tywin asked, looking annoyed, he didn't like oberyn one bit, not necessarily because of the history of house Lannister and house Martell but because of the way oberyn had treated Alyssa.

Alyssa was relieved when oberyn got the mountain on the ground, but he was stupid enough to bring up the past, wanting the mountain, as well as Tywin, to confess to the murder and rape of Elia martell, which in the end resulted in oberyns death.
Alyssa just stared at his lifeless body, he was a good friend, even when they had their disagreements recently, he still mattered to her, seeing him dead, it pained her, but it also meant that tywin had to sentence tyrion to death.
She looked at tywin, silently begging him not to do it, It would cause just more drama and stress, but he couldn't do anything about it, so Tyrion was sentenced to die, by his own father.

It was late at night, but Alyssa and Tywin were still awake, processing the happenings of the day.
"I can't believe he's dead, just because of his own stupidity, hanging on to the past like that, he should've just killed the mountain, it would've made everything so much easier." Alyssa said, pacing through the room.
Tywin was sitting on their bed, watching her.
"Honey, maybe you should sit down, and calm your nerves, stressing yourself is not good for the baby."
She sighed and walked up to him, "the whole day isn't good for the baby, I'm stressed out already, moving around helps me a bit." She gave him a small smile as he put his head against her stomach.
"Do you think he was right? Oberyn i mean."
"About what?"
"That i will never be a good father."
Tywin kissed her stomach, looking up at her.
"I know that you weren't the best father to jaime, Cersei and tyrion, but you will be a good father to our little lion, I'm sure of it."
Tywin nodded, he wanted to believe it, "i wanna be a good father to this child, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make that come true." He kissed her stomach again, "i love you my little lion." He whispered against her belly, smiling.
She smiled, kissing the top of his head. "You're a good man my love, no matter what everyone else is saying."

Suddenly they heard a thud come from in front of their door, Tywin stood up, standing in front of Alyssa.
"What was that?" She asked, taking his hand into her own.
"I don't know my love." He answered, worry in his voice.
The door opened slowly, and tyrion came into view, a crossbow in his hands.
"Tyrion?" Alyssa asked, "what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the black cells?"
"No, i will leave this damn city, but not before i have my revenge." He pointed the crossbow Tywin.
"Tyrion don't!" Alyssa tried to get in front of Tywin but he held her back.
"It's okay love, stay back, I don't want you to get hurt." Tywin looked at tyrion, "you can leave tyrion, i won't stop you, i won't send guards after you, just leave, and everything will be forgotten."
"No it won't, i will never forget the things you did to me, all the ways you hurt me. You sentenced your own son to death! You will pay for all the pain you caused me over the years!" He got ready to shoot when Alyssa stepped forward.
"Stop it Tyrion please! You lost the trial! Oberyn died because of you! He had no choice but to sentence you to death please-" tyrion pointed the crossbow at Alyssa making her step back, "I don't want to hurt you ally, you didn't do anything to me, it's him i need to kill."
"No please." Tears started to roll down Alyssa's cheeks. "You can't say you don't want to hurt me when you plan to kill him, please just go Tyrion." Tywin stepped in Front of Alyssa again, trying to comfort her as best as he could in the situation.
"I'm sorry ally, he hurt me too much." With that, he shot bolt right into his fathers stomach, loading the crossbow again as tywin fell to his knees, clinging to Alyssa.
"No! Don't! Tyrion stop it!" She was crying harder now, trying to shield her husband.
Tyrion shot another bolt, hitting tywin in the chest before he left the room, as tywin sank to the floor in Alyssa's arms.
"Tywin please, hold on my love please!" She was crying more and more, screaming for guards to help her.
"My love..." Tywin looked at her, blood flowing to the floor, not visible on Alyssa's deep red dress.
"Hold on my lion, you can't die, I can't lose you, please, i need you, WE need you."
"I'm sorry my love... I'm so sorry..."
"No Tywin! No you can't die! You can't leave me! Please!"

But he was dead already, coming to rest in her lap, for the last time as she clung to his lifeless body, her scream waking up the whole keep.

Jaime and a few other guards were the first to arrive, seeing Alyssa in a pool of blood, clinging to Tywin's body, screaming and crying.

And at that moment, when she realised his heart had stopped beating, something inside her broke so violently that she wondered if it was possible for no one to have heard it.

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