Ice To Meet You! (See what I did there ;3)

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"Ah- no- I, uh...S-Seriously, it's fine, I get scared easily. It's not your fault."

That's what she said. That's the one sentence that actually caught me off guard. She wasn't mad at me? This was like- the FIRST time somebody's never been mad at me when I first meet them! She's not smiling much...Actually, she hasn't smiled ONCE...Maybe that's just her vibe? I hope so...

"O-Oh, really? Right, uh...Sorry, anyway."

God, why do I keep apologizing?! There's no need!

The girl looks at Rui with a look of almost confusion in her eyes, perplexed about his sudden, unnecessary panic. She slowly looks back to the old, dusty book in which she was reading.

Uh...We stopped talking. THIS IS SO AWKWARD! Is nobody gonna say anything?!

"So- uh...Why're ya' here at a time like this? Shouldn't you be- like..I don't know, heading home?"

Oh my gosh...I look like such a creep, why am I asking her crap like this?! OKAY, RUI STALKER ERA! Never mind...I hope she'll just see it as if I'm worried about her.

"Oh...I just, uh...I just like reading in the school grounds when nobody's around...I got the principal's permission, too...So..."


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry...!"

Rui backs away slightly, as if looking to give the unbothered girl a little bit more space, even though it's a small bench and it doesn't help much. He's kinda twitching in fear, as the girl just watches him, puzzled. She waits a bit before responding:

"...Alright, I don't want this to come off as rude or anything...But, why are you so scared about everything you say...?"

CRAP! CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP C R A P! She's concerned for me- she's annoyed at me, right?! That's a sign of annoyance, right?! She probably thinks I'm such a weirdo!

"I- I- uh...I-I just, wanna make sure that your comfortable with how I'm taking things, is all..."

Ugh, I'm making it so painfully obvious that I have no idea what to say...

"Seriously, dude, it's fine! I like being alone, yeah, but it's cool to have somebody to talk to now and then. Plus, I don't get annoyed easily."

After the girl finishes her sentence, she begins to mutter something to herself whilst staring at the book, not reading it.

"Only unless you make me look like a girl..."

Rui manages to hear this silent statement of hers, and tilts his head after hearing it.
There was a very long silence.

"...Sorry, are you...NOT a girl...?"

I hope this doesn't come off as offensive, but...What did they mean by that?

The unidentified-gendered person sighs and looks at him with a slight smile.

"Nope, boy. It's fine if you thought I was a girl, though. I get that a lot."

Rui gasps quietly. His eyes widen once again and his eyebrows were risen.

OH MY GOD?! First of all, he's a guy?! I couldn't have been able to tell...He looks so much like a girl! And, second of all...HE SMILED?! His smile is so cute- wait...what? Sorry, I think I kinda said that word in my mind by accident...
...Did I?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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