Chapter 4

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The house was too quiet, which only served to make Eddie's thoughts too loud. He took a swig of his beer and looked down at the bandage covering his left forearm. The fear that had gripped him at the sight of that car barrelling toward Buck, it almost washed away the rage he felt at the driver. But underneath it all was the memory of Buck's blue eyes staring up at him, safe and bright and beckoning.

A thumping at the door interrupted his thoughts and he pushed up from his couch, leaving the beer on the stand as he made his way toward the front door. He barely even managed to open it before Buck pushed past him and into the house. He opened his mouth to argue, but Buck held up a hand to cut him off and paced back and forth across the floor in front of him.

"Let me just…" Buck started, before finally coming to a stop and turning to look at Eddie. "So, here's the deal, I have no idea what I did, but I must have done something to piss you off and I am so sorry for whatever it was. And I want to fix it. I need you to let me fix it."

"There's nothing to fix, Buck," Eddie answered, and his heart ached so much.

"What does that even mean?"

Eddie opened his mouth to answer but found he wasn't entirely sure how to, and let go of a breath instead, offering up a shrug.

"See, this… You can't keep pushing me away."

At that, Eddie snorted. "Oh yeah?"

Buck took a breath and held his arms open. "You wanna take a swing? Fine. If that's what it takes, go ahead."

"I'm not gonna punch you, man."

"But you want to." Buck took a step forward as he pointed at Eddie, closing the gap.

He was almost a breath away and it took everything in Eddie to shake his head and turn away. He almost made it, almost managed to fight back against the heat rising up inside of him, and he probably could have done, if Buck hadn't grabbed his arm and forced him to face those blue eyes once more. Tension gripped Eddie, every ounce of resolve he had melting away, unable to compete with the hunger anymore.

He pushed forward, grabbing hold of Buck, and gave into the thoughts he had tried to bury. The kiss was deep and longing, everything else fading away for the briefest of moments before it all came colliding back to him and he pulled back, completely releasing his hold on a dumbstruck Buck. He took a step back, heart hammering as he waited for Buck to dart toward the door, but Buck simply stood there, tongue snaking out across his lips, as if tasting the lingering kiss, his brow furrowing.

"I, err… I don't understand," Buck finally answered, confusion written in those eyes that stared at Eddie.

"Por el amor de Dios," Eddie cursed under his breath. His head fell back in frustration before he looked to Buck once more. "It's you, Buck."

But Buck didn't say anything, instead he still stood there as if he was contemplating life itself or trying to discover why the sea was blue when water was clear.

"I'm in love with you," Eddie all but growled.

Buck let go of a light snort of laughter, before he seemed to realise that Eddie was serious, his gaze falling for a moment before looking up once more. A smile played across his lips, his tongue playing at the tip of his canine as he met Eddie's eyes. "You love me? What is it, my sparkling personality, or my stunning good looks?"

"You're an ass." Eddie shook his head. "I just opened my heart up to you and you're making jokes. I mean, really, what did I ex-"

His complaint died somewhere between Buck's lips, Buck having surged forward as if he were desperate for air and Eddie was his lifeline. His hand wrapped around the side of Eddie's neck and Eddie instinctively matched his energy, pushing forward and into Buck. But before it could go any further, Buck pulled back a little, concern written in his yes.

Turning Point (A 9-1-1 Buddie fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now