Chapter 1 - The forest

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As he was running to save his head, he went towards the forest. It was dark and windy, but also the pitch dark had its beautiful things. He sat for a moment on a rock to catch his breath and looked up in the sky. It was different this time. 

This time he could see the stars for the first time. 

"Is this a dream?" he said, looking with his eyes shining, the sky.

"It must be a dream a dream, because I have not seen the magical sky fairies for a long time". That is how he called the stars.

Later on he saw the moon. It was yellow just like a dandelion. He could feel the tears forming in  his eyes as he fell on the ground all tired and exhausted. He slept inside the mysterious forest that night. Poor boy, has not seen the sky full of stars for about a lifetime, that started to get overwhelmed by its beauty. Later the sun woke up, and with it William as well.

The slow breeze hit his face gently and the freshness of the air made William feel alive. He got up, shook some dirt from his clothes and started to wander around the gloomy mysterious forest. Birds were singing their astonishing tune. William could listen to them for hours but he had to leave, because elsewhere he had a new life ahead waiting for him. Since he was small, it would be hard for him , but he was bold enough  to face every obstacle.

While walking for what seemed to be an eternity , miles away he spotted a small village. William truly walked for three days, without him being cautious about it. That is when the horrifying adventures begin!

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