How many Fingers am I holding Up?

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Explanations at the end for my hiatus and such.
Marinette looked up tiredly from her current project as another Akuma alert went off. ‘Not again’ she thought miserably as she got up. Ignoring Tikki’s concerned face, she suited up and swung away. Fighting alone was miserable, but with Chat away he didn't always get the akuma alerts.
“Meow milady you are…” Chat started as he turned to her, but stopped as he saw her condition. “Woah, are you ok?’’ he asked, catching her as she stumbled slightly. Hugging him for a second, she pulled away and slapped her cheeks hard startling him.
“Sorry Chaton, things have been hectic since you left and I am having issues civvie side.” She weakly replied. At his worried and doubtful look, she just shook her head and analyzed the akumatized victim, quickly coming up with a plan.
Sighing in relief, she was happy the battle was over and had worked almost without a single hitch. Quickly giving her partner a fistbump and retrieving the horse miraculous from him, she stumbled home, not seeing his troubled looks. As she swung home she couldn't help but dread going back to work on the outfits for her classmates.
She really used to enjoy helping them, making the occasional treat or clothing piece for them. Now though, it was a terror. Ever since Lila joined the class, she would promise them things while flaunting her nonexistent connections and lies and when it fell through they would turn to her. The deadlines turned shorter and shorter and Marinette’s job as class president got harder and harder as work had easily tripled. It was slowly driving her towards the edge, and she didn't know when the dam would break, heck she didn't know the last time she had slept in the past week. Trying to turn anybody down ended up with her looking like the villain as they always made comments that it was because Lila was involved that she didn't want to. It hurt how much everyone believed that and had turned against her. Well, besides Adrien. But he was traveling doing fashion shows and talking to people for his dad with Chloe. Shaking her head to get rid of those thoughts, she slid inside and quickly transformed. Looking longingly at her bed, she sighed and turned back to the fairy dress she was making for Rose, Tinkerbell, she thought idly picking up her pin cushion. Hopefully, she finished it tonight so she could finally get some sleep as this was the last thing she had to make.
‘Late! Oh, I'm so late!’ Marinette thought as she frantically ran around her room. Deciding to just keep on the hoodie and leggings, she rushed out, hastily shouting out a goodbye to her parents in the process. Running into class, she panted and leaned against the wall to catch her breath. Hearing her name called, she looked up.
“There you are girl!” Alya said walking up to her before looking Marinette over and frowning. “Where are the cupcakes?” Marinette looked at her confused while Alya crossed her arms and rolled her eyes before semi-glaring at the baker's daughter.
“What cupcakes?” she hesitantly asked, looking at who should be her best friend, wondering what she messed up this time. Her question caused Alya’s glare to harden and draw her other classmates' attention.
“The ones for Adrien’s welcome back party.” Alya nearly growled, looking ready to breathe fire at her. “You were supposed to bring those in, remember? Lila’s friend, the famous pastry chef was not able to due to a family emergency.” Marinette wracked her brain trying to remember when she was asked and only coming up blank as the last week, maybe more, were a blur to her. Pulling into herself she mumbled an apology and promised to run down and get some at lunchtime for it, trying to ignore the disgruntled not quite whispers of her classmates. “I don't know what I expected, what with how flakey you are.” The reporter scoffed. Biting her lip, to hold back her tears at the words. Alya’s verbal lashing hurt more than she thought it would.
“I mean with how obsessed and practically stalkerish you are about him, I thought you would have done this.” Marinette gasped, head turning toward Alix, and her eyes widened at the class’ murmured agreements. “But I-” she stuttered out before getting interrupted by Mylene.
“You did at least finish our outfits for tonight though? If not I don't know if we would have time to find alternatives.” these words resulted in everyone looking at the noirette who was trembling slightly, refusing to let her tears fall.
“Guys I am so so sorry!” Lila whimpered drawing attention to herself as she made her way to the front of the group. “If only my Aunt could have made our outfits. Then we wouldn't be in this mess. It's just the movie deal was too good to pass up.” Fake tears traveled down her face. Everyone quickly started to comfort her and tell her how it wasn't her fault at all while shooting Marinette dirty looks. The sly vixen shooting her a triumphant look that none of the rest saw made Marinette mad enough to clear her throat softly. She proceeded to shrink in on herself even further at the upset stares that turned her way.
Hesitantly she spoke, “I did make the outfits, and they are all ready at home right now.” Wringing her hands, trying to be mindful of the bandages covering them she stuttered out how she planned to have them all come over to get ready so that way she could make sure everything fit correctly. Seeing Lila’s smirk, she felt her stomach drop. “Why don't you go bring them in now.” She suggested and everyone agreed, looking at Marinette expectantly.
“I don't know,” She stammered, “Isn't class going to start soon?” Looking at the clock, she wondered why Madam Bustier hadn't come in yet. “Logically, it would be better for you to go and bring them in now. This way you will have plenty of time to fix any mistakes. Plus this room is much larger than your room at the bakery and this is just easier for everyone.” Max said adjusting his glasses amongst the sounds of agreement from the rest. Hearing the door open, they all turned to see their teacher arriving.
“Madam Bustier,” Lila called out, grabbing said teacher’s attention. “Can Marinette run home to grab our things for the dance tonight as she has them at her house?” Fluttering her eyelashes and semi pouting she begged. Madam Bustier’s eyes softened looking at her class's hopeful expressions. “I don't see why not, today we were only going to do some light review as most of the day is to be spent setting up for the dance later.” She replied smiling at the happy cheers of the class. Marinette seeing the now expectant expressions rushed home to grab them.
Huffing as she pushed the rack of clothes towards her class from the elevator, Marinette pulled herself together as much as she could, hoping that the feedback was positive.. She had spent all week meticulously putting them all together to everyone’s requirements. As she entered the room, all eyes turned to her as her eyes flitted from person to person. Stepping back so they could grab their garment bags labeled for them, she watched as they were all grabbed and inspected. Hearing only sounds of approval, she was relaxed. Reassured that everything was okay and everyone liked their outfits she smiled softly, only for it to drop and her to tense as a high-pitched cry pierced the air. Quickly finding the source she was both unsurprised and worried about who it was.
“It was supposed to be Rosetta, and she made me a squid.” Lila bawled as everyone went to crowd around her, offering her soft reassurances. Marinette furrowed her brow in confusion, what was Lila talking about? She had asked for an Ursula-themed costume dress. She remembered that she thought it ironic that she wanted a villainess dress based on a character whose whole thing was lying and tricking others when the future wearer did the same. Marinette was actually quite proud of the dress as finding a way to incorporate the tentacles that Lila insisted be part of it was hard as they could easily look tacky if not done right.
“But you asked for Ursula, I even made it a mermaid tail like you said you wanted it.” She said before realizing that was a mistake as everyone’s attention suddenly shifted to her, their eyes filled with disgust and anger making her shiver. Quickly they all converged on her. Insult after insult was thrown at her. Surrounding her and leaving no way to escape, their verbal knives cut the small girl deep, making her tremble. Vision tunneling and noise turning to static she fled, pushing her way out of the classroom, ignoring someone’s cry as they fell.
She ran from the insults, the disgusted and loatheful looks from her peers, the disappointed looks from her parents and teachers, the crushing expectations that dogged her both in and out of the mask. Making it halfway down the stairs she tripped, tumbling all the way to the bottom. Head hitting the ground hard with a loud crack made Adrien who had just entered the building rush towards her. Kneeling over her, seeing a freshly formed cut start to bleed on her head, he texted Natalie. The Akuma class stood at the top of the stairs, cradling a crying Lila in their center to see this. Looking down to see the class president on the ground, many felt satisfied that karma had seemed to be paid onto her, while others rolled their eyes over the fuss that Adrien was giving her, thinking she did this on purpose to get his attention.
“Are you ok?” Adrien asked her urgently, eyes flitting over her noticing her messy hair, deep eye bags, and pale pallor of her face. The dazed look in her eyes did not bode well for him he put his handkerchief on her head to try and stop the bleeding. Gently shaking her while calling her name he tried to get her to focus on him and succeeded thankfully, though her eyes were still dull. He raised his hand, “How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Six” she slurred, her eyes focusing and unfocusing on him. Worried about how much her head was bleeding he removed the now blood-soaked handkerchief and replaced it with his jacket. The class started to look worried as they saw that. “Hey Marinette, Marinette!” Adrien nearly yelled as her eyes started to close, making them snap open to look at him. “Wanna hear a joke?” he nearly begged. Marinette looked a little more awake so he continued. “What do you call a cat when it is super stylish?” Not getting a response he finished with, “Haute cat-ture.” forcing out a laugh at his own joke, he genuinely smiled when he heard her giggle a little, only for it to drop as the giggles turned to sobs. Big heart-wrenching sobs escaped that echoed around the small courtyard, getting the attention of the other classes who started coming out, a few calling for an ambulance.
Soon the sobs tapered off into small cries as her breathing grew shallower. Her eyes lost their focus, growing more dazed despite all he tried. “I am sorry’’ she whispered, voice small. Slowly her eyes closed.
I hope you enjoyed the story. Day 1 prompt had me stuck for a bit, but once I started this seemed to just flow so that was nice. Now on to why this is the first thing I have posted or even updated in a while, the short explanation is that I was homeless. It was an unfortunate set of circumstances that led to me being homeless for nearly 2 years, but I am happy to be back and plan to update my other stories again once I finish whumptober as I need to get back into the groove of things. Tell me what you thought of the story! Originally the end was not as intense as it is now, but that didn't seem good enough for my comeback story so I changed it. I cant wait to see yall around and again I hope you enjoyed!

How many Fingers am I holding Up?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora