The Unexpected Visitor

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Author's Note: Hey everyone I hope you enjoy this story. I haven't seen too many things on Cassie's father and how that has impacted Cassie. This idea came to me when I was thinking about that and I decided to explore that side more. This takes place after Luke has already been back from his 6 months sentence. Anyway again I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you thought so far as feedback and votes are always appreciated and helpful.

"So I was thinking," Luke began as he looked over at his wife, making her smile as she looked over at him. "Oh yeah and what have you been thinking?" Cassie playfully asked Luke as she cuddled up to him, but before he could respond the doorbell rang.

"Um, who could that be?" Cassie asked in confusion as she wasn't expecting anyone. "I don't know. It can't be my family; they're out of town on vacation," Luke told Cassie who slowly nodded. "Yeah and it can't be my mom either. She went to visit some of her old friends," Cassie told Luke as she just went over and answered the door not knowing what to expect.

Cassie completely froze when she opened the door and saw who was there. She couldn't believe it. She had never met him before, but she had seen the pictures and she had heard the stories about him as well.

"Cassie, who's at the door?" Luke called out causing her to quickly snap out of her shock as she just slammed the door and locked it. "Cassie, are you okay? Who was at the door?" Luke asked in concern as he could see his wife was clearly in distress.

It was worrying him, and he didn't know what happened. Cassie just closed her eyes as she tried to control her breathing. She had no clue how he had found her or why he was even here. "Cass breathe. What's going on?" Luke told Cassie as he just moved her away from the door and helped her sit down on the couch.

"Is it your levels? Should I get your bag?" Luke asked in panic as he just quickly ran to get her bag with all her diabetes supplies. "Luke I'm fine it's not that. I just checked it, my levels are fine," Cassie told Luke as she started to calm down a little bit. Luke just placed the bag down as he sat down by her. "Are you sure?" Luke asked his wife who just slowly nodded as she showed him.

"I'm fine," Cassie told the former marine. "Okay then if it's not that then what happened?" Luke asked Cassie who sighed as she looked over at the door. "I um I think that was my dad," Cassie told Luke who just looked over in shock.

"Wait but I thought your dad left before you were even born," Luke told Cassie as he recalled that conversation he had with Frankie almost a year ago now. Cassie just slowly nodded as she got up and came back with a photo as she just examined it.

Luke just stayed silent as he watched her not knowing what she was doing, but at the same time not wanting to disturb her. Cassie was interrupted however when the doorbell went off again. "Do you want me to answer it this time?" Luke asked Cassie who just shook her head.

"No, just leave it. He'll go away when he realizes we're not going to answer it," Cassie told Luke as she put the picture away now confirming what she has already been thinking. The man that was at her door was definitely her father. "Are you sure? I can tell him to leave if you would like me to," Luke told Cassie who shook her head again.

Cassie had no clue how or why he was here right now. He had left before she was even born. He didn't even call or try to see or visit her. The only thing she even knew about him was that he left before she was even born and that he wasn't a very good person.

The only thing she could think of as for why he would be back would be him finding out about The Loyal. It had to be that. He clearly just wants some of that fame and money. That would be the only logical explanation she could think of right now.

Even if that wasn't the case he had still left her. He never once tried to even contact her until just now. It didn't make any sense and she didn't want any of it. "No, just leave it. Don't give him the satisfaction of you answering him. He's not worth it," Cassie told Luke as she just tried to ignore the door bell that wouldn't stop ringing.

"He's not going away Cassie! Just let me talk to him," Luke exclaimed in frustration as he didn't like seeing Cassie so upset. This man had no right to just show up at her door after abandoning her for 23 years. Luke just wanted to give him a piece of his mind for not just abandoning her but for now showing up here 23 years later when she's starting to get famous.

He didn't understand how someone could just abandon their family like this and then just show up again as if nothing happened. Family was everything to him and even when things had been tough they had made it work. "No Luke, just leave it alone. I don't want to give him the attention he wants. When we don't answer he'll eventually get the hint and go away," Cassie told Luke even though she could tell that he was about to open that door.

Luke just sighed as he tried to control himself. He knew that Cassie didn't want him to get involved, but he didn't know how he could just stay silent. The ringing wasn't stopping, in fact it seemed to be getting worse. Luke was pretty sure that if no one answered that door it would never stop.

Finally he just looked over at Cassie and gave her a look that Cassie knew right away meant he was sorry but he had to. Before Cassie could stop him again Luke had the door open. Luke looked over in shock as he opened the door and looked over. "Um Cassie you might want to come and see this," Luke called out as he just kept watching in shock.

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