four | a year of firsts

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The Addams household was filled with black and white decorations, covering every part of the house. Streamers crisscrossed around the ceiling, and giant balloons in matching colors sat gently in the corner.

Enid bustled around the kitchen, wearing a pink and purple plaid apron, the smell of freshly made treats filled the room. She placed a few candles on top of the cake she had just made. Enid loved to bake treats, she found herself always making cake's for her family and friends.

Wednesday stood in the living room, cradling Atlas in her arms, while Dante gazed wide-eyed at the decorations all over the walls. As the guests began to arrive, the atmosphere hummed with excitement. Friends and family talked, sharing laughter and stories. Morticia and Gomez, with their elegant presence, greeted each guest with friendly greetings. Pugsley kept the children entertained the whole time.

Eugene and his now very pregnant fiance, Sophie, stayed chatting with Wednesday. Their friends from Nevermore had also joined the party. Bianca held her daughter, Bella, as she talked with Ajax. He took turns holding the twins, laughing at their little antics as he chatted with his old friend. Yoko and Divina kept Enid company in the kitchen as she continued to get the treats ready. Even Thing kept everyone entertained.

Enid walked into the living room holding a giant cake, it's layer decorated with black and white frosting. "Time to sing happy birthday!" She announced happily.

The room of people began to sing happy birthday to the twins. A blend of family and Nevermore friends, joined in the cheerful song. Atlas clapped her little hands to the people singing, with a delighted smile on her lips. Dante just stayed there wide eyed, staring at everyone.

When everyone finished, Wednesday went up to the twins, "Make a wish, little devils." She said, encouraging them. With Enid and Wednesday's help, they leaned in and blew out the candles. The room then erupted with applause and chants.

After the candles wore out, Enid carefully cut slices of cake for the guests. The twins were passed around to their by their family members, who took turns showering them with affectionate cuddles and coos.

Everyone gathered and grabbed a slice of Enid's famous double chocolate cake. As everyone continued to chat, Morticia approached Enid with a soft smile, her dark eyes sparkling with pride. "They're growing so quickly, aren't they? It feels like just yesterday they were born."

Enid nodded in agreement. "The time has went by so fast. We're so grateful for every moment we get to spend with them. And thank you guys for coming, Wens and I appreciate it."

"Of course Mija, we will always be here for you guys. Family is everything." Gomez said, joining the conversation.

The three continued to conversate about the party. Meanwhile Wednesday had decided to take a break from talking. She walked over to her twins, and watched them play from a distance. She then saw Bianca sitting near them, watching them as well. The siren looked up and saw Wednesday.

"Addams." She greeted.

"Barclay, I hope you're having a terrible time as I am." Wednesday deadpanned, while taking a seat down by the woman.

Bianca rolled her eyes, "Oh please, I know you're secretly enjoying're a good mother." She admitted, surprising The Raven with the compliment.

Wednesday looked down and watched as Bella and Dante played together. Dante seemed to take a liking to the little girl, which was surprising. Enid tried to take the twins on playdates with other children their age, Atlas got along with them well, Dante...not so much.

"It seems my son has taken a liking to your daughter." Wednesday stated. Bianca looked down at them and smiled.

Dante grabbed a nearby toy and handed it over to Bella. She gladly took it and giggled.

little devils | wenclair Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon