36. Is This a Date?

Start from the beginning

His face turned into a frown. "Do not risk your health for me."

"Ki, stop it, I'm fine. I was just happy to see you look... well, happy." She grabbed his hand. "Where to?"

His facial features eased again and he nodded at her once before turning and heading down a lesser worn path.

"I haven't come here in many years, I practically forgot about it."

"Oh? Did you come here as a kid?"

"Yes. My brothers and I used to sneak off and hide here as children."

"Sneak off and hide?" She scoffed but smiled. "I can hardly imagine you doing that."

"I'm capable of many things." He half turned and smirked at her before continuing.

"Ki! Do you have a dark side you've kept hidden from me?!"

She heard him chuckle in front of her and the low sound from his chest began doing things to her. He seemed so happy, so carefree. In return, it seemed to uplift her very soul. All while creating a rather warm knot in her abdomen.

"Should I ask your brothers for stories about you as a youth? I bet they have plenty to share."

"Only if they're prepared to have their own secrets revealed. I like my odds."

"So you do have a mischievous side. I will get them to share stories with me, have no doubt."

He chuckled. "I am incapable of saying no to you, I have no doubt of your persuasive abilities. I expect you'll know everything there is to share by the next bright moon."

"A girl can certainly try." She laughed.

"We're here." He stopped and turned, causing her to walk right into him, her face hitting his chest. He grabbed both of her hands in his. "Close your eyes."

She immediately closed her eyes and smiled brightly. "Oh a surprise! I'm ready, lead the way."

He led her several steps and she felt something like tall grass brushing past her legs and arms as she walked. Eventually the grass died away and they stood still. She listened as she heard birds chirping and the wind rustling the leaves and grass.

He placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her toward her left. "Now?" She asked.


She slowly opened her eyes and began to look around. She was standing in front of a pond that had crystal clear water. She could see the colorful vegetation and rocks along the bottom and even a few fish swim by. It was a habitat made up of an entire rainbow of colors. "It's magical." She whispered as she took it in.

"Shima." His voice came from a distance beside her and she turned to look in his direction, her eyes rounding as she did. They were completely surrounded by tall grass that came to her waist, the top of which was covered in huge golden orange flowers with aqua blue centers. She spun around and took in the view. The valley was completely covered in the gorgeous blooms, even on the other side of the pond. Surrounding the field were the woods on one side and on the other was a view of rows and rows of mountains. "It's beautiful!" She spread her arms wide and twirled around, laughing.

Unfortunately, she got a little carried away and tripped. Possibly on a rock but probably on nothing but her own two feet. How embarrassing, she thought as she felt herself falling. She attempted to twist her body and reach forward to catch her fall but was surprised when instead of landing on the dirt and grass, she landed on something soft but firm.

"Umph." Kietnan breathed out as her full weight landed on him. "Are you okay?" He breathed out as his hands gripped her upper arms and her hands landed on the ground on either side of his head, the full length of her body against his.

She wasn't really sure why she felt so out of breath but she was unable to respond with words. Her wide eyes stared at him and she simply gave him a slight nod. After a moment of staring at each other she spoke, barely audible. "Are you ok?"

This time he simply nodded his response.

"Did you just...did you just dive onto the ground to catch my fall?"

The left corner of his lips turned up just slightly.

"Sometimes I'm not sure if you're real." She whispered, barely audible as she searched his eyes, her face serious. "Is this all some kind of weird dream?"

He slowly reached up with his left hand and gently brushed stray hairs away from her face, tucking them behind her ear before resting his hand on her jaw and caressing her cheek with his thumb.

Ashima had argued with herself many times over the last several days. Every part of her being wanted to be his and for him to be hers. In every way. Every part of her but the rational one. The one that told her she was crazy for feeling this way toward an alien man she hardly knew and that she would be forced apart from any day now, a man who she didn't deserve and likely wouldn't feel the same about her anyway. But here in this moment her body, mind, and soul all seemed to be in sync. It was the most peaceful she felt in weeks.

Here she was realizing how serious her feelings were for him and yet he just lay there staring at her with a calm expression on his face. Doubt flooded through her. Maybe she was misreading everything.

"Shima." He said softly. "For a moment you looked content but now confused. Why is this? What's wrong?" He said as his fingers ran over her eyebrows, causing her furrowed muscles to relax. She leaned to her left slightly, resting her face against his hand, which he happily cupped for her.

She closed her eyes and exhaled.

"I..." I'm falling in love with you. She wanted to say, but instead she said. "We should head back." She said quietly but made no move to follow her own words.

"Shima, look at me." His thumbs continued caressing her cheeks. "Please."

She opened her eyes and when they connected with his eyes she became overwhelmed with emotion. She needed to get up and get out of here. Now.

She broke eye contact with him and looked at how best to move without getting any closer to him. "It... it's getting late. I've probably done too much for today." She didn't recognize her own voice. It sounded distant, emotionless. Even when she was overflowing with emotion and felt she might burst any moment.

She felt herself panicking but couldn't manage to stop it. She looked to the side and began to lean over to remove herself from atop him. As she began her movement she gasped audibly as she was quickly tossed onto her back. He had her right leg pinned between his legs. His abdomen pressed against her as his chest heaved up and down above hers, his left arm resting on its elbow beside her head while his right hand was against the dirt beside her waist. She felt so small and frail underneath him and her body shivered in desire as he overpowered her.

"Ashima." His voice came out slowly, low and menacing and she felt heat rush through her in response. "You are not being honest with me." He said as he searched her eyes.

She stared at him, her brain frozen and unable to process anything while her body was all too happy to process every little movement from his, every warm spot where their bodies melded together.

When she remained quiet for several moments he leaned down slowly. Ashima's body tensed as she tuned in to the movement. Just when she thought he was about to press his lips to hers, when she was about to part her lips in preparation, he shifted his head and buried his face into her neck instead, exhaling loudly.

Ashima noticed the deep rise and fall of his shoulder muscles as he breathed in and out, and how his jaw tensed repeatedly as if he was having an internal battle. His breath fanned across her neck and her body involuntarily trembled as the sensation forced her to take in a deep breath, her chest rising and almost touching his. He quickly raised his head and looked at her, staring at her as if she had the answer to all of life's questions. 

"Shima, I'm going to ask you a question. Will you promise to be honest with me in your answer?"

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