36. Is This a Date?

Start from the beginning

His brow muscles drew together, and his lips pressed into a firm line.

"But now that you are here..." She offered him a small smile. "I don't imagine everything is perfect, but it is better. It is better now."

"You will tell me, if you need anything? If there is anything I can do?"

She nodded.

"Do you promise?"

"I will, Ki. I promise."

After a long moment of laying there, looking at each other, she released his hand and returned to lying on her back. "Thank you for bringing me here. I really needed this."

"I'm sorry I wasn't supportive of you getting out and about yet, I was worried for you. But I was wrong to try and keep you cooped up. I'm glad this has helped."

She turned her head toward him and smiled. "Did you just admit you were wrong and apologize all in one sentence? And all in response to me thanking you?"

His face showed confusion. "Yes. Is this not appropriate where you are from?

At this, she laughed wholeheartedly, eventually grabbing her stomach as she rolled onto her side, looking at him through the tears in her eyes. 

"You are crying again now? While laughing? I do not understand."

"They are just laughter tears, they are good." She said, as she tried to calm herself. "Don't worry, you did absolutely nothing wrong. The opposite, in fact. Many men on my planet are very proud. They have a hard time admitting when they are wrong, and have an even harder time apologizing. Or well, apologizing and actually meaning it."

"They do not apologize and do not admit when they are wrong? What do they have to be proud of then? He asked as he set up onto his elbows, looking at her and frustration.

Her laughter quieted down, as she looked at him. "You are absolutely right, Ki. Such men should not be proud of their behavior. But you are not like them." She smiled as she sat up, and crossed her legs.

They work together to pack up the remainder of their food and supplies. Eventually, he brought out some of the medicinal cream and fresh bandages for her feet.

"Why am I surprised that you brought those?" She giggled.

"You are poking fun of me right now, yes?"

She nodded her head, smiling.

"But you mean it in an endearing way, not a negative way?"

She nodded again, her smile never faltering.

"I believe I am understanding this expression now. He nodded as well, as he examined her feet, before beginning to apply the cream. "We will see how they look in the morning, after all of this walking, but they are healing well."

"Miracle cream." She chuckled.

"Do you even know its actual name?" He smirked

"You know,... I don't think I do!" She laughed

He shook his head. "This particular blend is called taro cream, but if you ever need anything, just ask for healing cream, and that will work."

She nodded her head. "I should be able to remember that."

Eventually her feet were re-dressed, and everything was back in his pack. As the trail was just starting to level back out into the valley, he stopped and abruptly grabbed her hand. "Do you think you can handle walking just a bit further before we head back?"

She looked up at him in surprise, taking in the lopsided smile on his face and the twinkle in his eyes as they stared at her expectantly. "Since you're actually showing excitement on your face, how could I possibly say no?" She chuckled.

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