Chapter 1

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Astrids pov

I wake up to glass being shattered down stairs and I hear foot steps so I know what is fixing to happen I could fight back I am a trained assassin but every time I see David/step-dad or Selena/mom I just freeze and let them beat me I wish I could stop them but I lose all strength I have every single time.

I heard bigger foot steps so I could tell that it is David he kicks the door open and I sit up on my bed and he comes over and grabs me by the hair and slams me to the floor I don't try to fight because it will just make it so much worse.

I know he wants me to cry but I don't I just sit there while he kicks my ribs i wince on the last kick and then he finally is done and leaves my room slamming the door I slowly get up and wince and go to the bath room and start the shower I get in and wince when the water touches the bruises that are starting to form I finish and I went to go find some clothes that will cover everything.

I go down stairs because i know that know one is home I didn't have enough time for breakfast so I just grab a apple

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I go down stairs because i know that know one is home I didn't have enough time for breakfast so I just grab a apple.

Then I get a text that morana and Laila are here to pick me up they know about all of the abuse because I trust them with my life and I would die for them so I go out there and they could already tell that something is wrong they both looked at me and I nodded.

They look like they want to murder someone we have all have known eachother for years I met morana first when we were five we both got sold to the Russians so that's were we met.

Then we met Laila when they were making us become assassins at 7 Laila was not the best at being an assassin after the years but she is really good at hacking but they would beat us all if one of us failed so since she was not the best at it she would always feel very guilty about it.

Morana put on some music to lighten the mood which I was very grateful for.

We all started screaming paint the town red





Then we pulled up to the school and went in and had to start the horrible fucking school day.

Time skip to night btw it's Thursday

Me and the girls parked the car and got out because we wanted to do some spray paint we went to a building and got all of are paint spray out and all went to are own section.

After we finish I see blue lights and right there we all look at eachother and we know that we are busted cause we are in a alley way so we just put are hands up they come and put cuffs on us and put us each in a cop car.

"Guys can we get some food I am starving".

"Nope we have to take you to the station right away".


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