"Teluq!" Ashima yelled loudly from her bed.

The door quickly opened and Teluq's head popped in, looking around quickly before setting on Ashima. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. Please." She motioned for Teluq to enter the room. "Come in."

"Shima, you do not need Teluq's help. I am here." Kietnan grumbled.

Ashima scoffed as Teluq came closer. "What is it?" She glanced between the two.

"Teluq." She passed a frustrated glance at Kietnan before continuing. "Am I allowed to leave this room?"

"Shima, yo-"

"No." Ashima cut Kietnan off, holding her hand up to stop him before softening her eyes as she faced the female guard again. "Teluq?"

Teluq eyed the two curiously before continuing. "As long as you are escorted, yes."

"Thank you." Ashima drew out the statement, showing her relief.

"You are not fit for that yet, Shima. Your injuries, you must heal."

"And like I've said many times, now..." she said slowly, grinding the words out between her teeth. "If I don't at least look out a window or breathe some fresh air, I am going to go insane." She drew in a deep breath and calmed her voice. "Teluq." She turned her attention to the guard.

"I have to assume with the technology I've seen here so far, that we can arrange something for me to get around until my feet heal?" She asked. So far, Kietnan, Dran, or a medical attendant had simply been carrying her to and from the bathroom, much to her protests.

When Teluq nodded, Ashima continued. "Lovely! Could you possibly escort me somewhere, anywhere, today? Even if only for a few minutes? Anywhere outside. Or with a window, at least?"


"I will take you." Kietnan stopped the guard from responding.

"Oh now you'll take me?" Ashima eyed him with frustration. She'd been asking him to help her get some fresh air all day but he had refused.

"Teluq, give us a moment please." Kietnan asked and the guard sighed before turning to leave the room, giving them a half smile as she closed the door behind her. "I don't suppose you'll let me carry you?"

Ashima crossed her arms and raised a brow at him in both surprise and annoyance. "And let everyone see you being so kind to the alien?" She shook her head. "No way am I doing that to you. And besides, I need to be able to get around some other way over the next couple days or however long it takes before I can walk again." Her voice grew slightly quiet and sad as she spoke the last words.

She was brought out of her thoughts as she watched Kietnan stand and approach the supply closet on the wall opposite the bathroom. Ashima had seen medical attendants retrieve various supplies from the small closet a few times since she'd arrived there but other than that, she'd not paid it much attention.

He retrieved two short poles, each of which had a small box on the end about the size of a pack of playing cards. She watched as he approached her bed, kneeling in front of her, and quickly complied when he requested she sit on the edge . He sat one pole down on the floor and to the other he pressed a button on the box. Ashima jumped slightly when a slightly yellow tinted light radiated from the box before settling into rectangular shaped... "Ki, what is that light? Some kind of hologram?"

He scoffed. "No. You want to walk, this is how you'll do it."

"I get to walk?! I assumed someone would get me a wheelchair or something."

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