Chapter one

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As I walk to school I can't help to look around 

Ive been having weird feeling lately, like I'm being watched 

I brush it off as not getting enough sleep the night before

"HEY AYDEN!" I spin around to see my best friend running towards me


"Calm down, but what happen?" I ask curiously 

"Okay so you know your sister Grace right?" 

I roll my eyes "yes I know Grace" 

"Well guess what?" He says not being able to contain his excitement 

"Just tell me Park!" I shout grabbing their shoulder 


I stand there dumbfounded "excuse me?" 

"Aren't you exited?" He looks like he's about to bounce of the walls 

No, I'm not. I'm going to go beat up that Levi kid

"Sure" I say holding back my vomit 

"Well you don't seem exited" he looked at me confused 

"Well it's like of me and Onyx started dating" that would be wired right?

"Well you guys are cousins" "it's different"

And Gus and my moms were best friends, I see Levi as a little brother  

"Well, it's kinda gross to say the least" 

"Really?" "I think it's adorable" 

Harvey is a weird person but they're always done for all the drama.

It's not a bad thing, but sometimes they get a little over exited 

Finally we arrive to the school 

During second period the principal came on the loud speaker 

Will the following students please come down to the office. Ayden, Harper, and Grace Noceda. Onyx and Harvey Park. And Levi Porter. 

I looked up at Harvey, they look at me worried 

We all get to the principals office 

A young woman is standing there she looks about 18-20 

Are you guys Luz and amity's kids? She looks at me Grace and Harper 

Uh yes we are, what's it to you? 

She looks at Harvey and Onyx 

And your willows kids? 

Harvey stands in front of Onyx 

"Yes, we are"

And who are you? She looks at Levi 

"I'm Levi Gus is my dad" 

She looks at him and shrugged her shoulders.

She draws a circle in the air, it was strange it glowed a light yellow 

Suddenly all of our ears were pointy 

We all looked around confused 

"Hey! Why'd you do that?" Harvey shouted at her 

"Oh don't be a baby. Your just like your father" she replied

I could see Harvey's expression change 

"Y-You know my dad?" Harvey asked 

"Who doesn't?" "He was one of the most powerful witches in the boiling isles" she said proudly 

You could see Harvey's face light up 

"Wait my dads a witch?" Harvey asked 

"Yes one of the best actually" she said with a smirk 

She looks over at the principal and motioned for us to follow her

We all exchanged a glance before following her

Soon we're walking outside in the middle of the woods 

"Um where are we?" Harper asks 

"Are you going to kill us?" Levi said scared 

"What? No" she said looking back as us 

She looked back at us and then she did a perimeter check

Before she opened a brief case with a glowing eye on it 

It unfolded into a door before our eyes 

We all watched in amazement as she walked through 

"You guys coming?" She asked 

Grace went running into it "sayonara suckers!" 

Levi ran after her, then Harper and onyx 

That left me and Harvey 

We just stood there and looked at each other 

"You wanna do this?" He asked 

"Yes I do" 

We walked in together 

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