Chapter 19: Legacy

Start from the beginning

"Oh," Taylor began fidgeting with the ring on her finger as she looked at the ground, counting her steps as she walked next to the older Thawne.

"But when have I ever been the type to think that far ahead," Y/n chuckled as he threw his arm around Taylor's shoulder, pulling her closer as they walked through the quiet road for a moment. "So let's see how this goes..."

"Dad..." Taylor didn't even get to finish her thought process before Y/n had run both himself and her into the Cortex. "I thought mom was the reckless one," She laughed as she looked around at the lab before noticing her father's distraught expression. "What's wrong?"

"Something just doesn't feel right..." He trailed off as he stood there for a moment. "Aunty Katy," His eyes widened as he dashed towards the medical section, teal lightning with a hint of purple trailed close behind him as he ran in to find three bodies on the floor.

As soon as Y/n saw them, he grabbed Caitlin and dashed to the nearest bed with Taylor bringing Cisco as Y/n  was scanning to see what was wrong. "What happened?" Taylor asked as she came back with Barry next.

"The water in their lungs has crystalised," Y/n explained as he placed his hands on either side of Caitlin, just over her lungs before vibrating his hands and heating that area up before looking over to see that Taylor had copied what he was doing.

"What happened?" Y/n let out a sigh of relief when Cisco muttered, and his eyes slowly opened up.

"I should be asking that," Y/n shook his head as he stood next to Caitlin's bed, watching the two men slowly get up. "Aunty Katy," Y/n muttered as he watched Caitlin's eye flutter open. "Hey, Aunty Katy, you okay?" He asked as he helped her sit up.

"Is my dad gone?" She asked as she looked around the room.

"Dad, some guy blew what I guess to be cold fog since it must have been what caused the crystals to form," Taylor explained as she walked back into the room with a tablet in her hands. "And then he took some gun, looks like a serum of some sort and left," She explained before looking up at the three people who were now awake and staring at her. "Oh..."

"Who are you?" Barry asked as he stared at the new face.

"The least of your problems right now," Y/n muttered as he walked over to Taylor so she could show him the video. "Aunty Katy, is this who I think it is?" Y/n knew the answer but that didn't stop him from hoping, hope was destroyed when Caitlin nodded.

"And he got the serum," Cisco muttered as he looked at the group.

"This is all my fault," Caitlin looked at the two guys apologetically. "I was so excited to see my dad that I couldn't see who he really was," She muttered as she shook her head. "I owe you both an apology," She looked at Barry and Cisco as she spoke.

"Hey, it's okay," Cisco smiled as he walked over, placing a hand on Caitlin's shoulder. "We'll get him," He reassured the doctor who just gave him a nod.

"Hey guys, get in here!" Iris' voice called over the intercom as they got ready to leave.

"Y/n, what is Joe's intern doing here?" Barry asked as the other two left.

"Barry, I'll explain in a bit but I need you to just trust me right now," After the events that morning, Y/n wasn't sure if Barry would actually do it but the Scarlet Speedster looked at him for a moment before giving him a nod and following the other two.


"Come on, Tay," Y/n smiled as he began walking towards the door. "We'll sort this stuff out one thing at a time," He gave her a reassuring smile before making his way to the main room with her following just behind him.

Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption (A Nora West-Allen X Y/n Thawne) [Discontinued?!]Where stories live. Discover now