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Shuichi pov:
After a couple of weeks, Kokichi finally healed well enough to leave with us so we meet up at the foot of the mountain

Kaito: ready to go?
Kokichi: ready... as I'll eve be...
Miu: finally lets go!

We all walk forward but I felt something was off so i turned around only to see a Kokichi slowly wobbling his way to us, we forgot about the bandages and his injuries...

Shuichi: uhhh guys... i think we need something
Kaito: huh? What? Ohhhhhh...
Keade: he can't walk properly yet neither can he see... i geus the only proper recovery was the voice...
Miu: so what do we grab him a wheel chair?
Kirumi: perhaps we can at least help him walk that should at least get things faster
Rantaro: great idea, I'll help, hes not heavy anyways, light as a pillow

Kirumi and Rantaro went over and help Kokichi walk with us better while holding his hands, they we're lucky enough not to get him bump into anybody or anything, once we reach the mountain that has the portal, a few gaurds come up to us and stop us from continuing any further but as soon as Kokichi shoo them away, they left, i geuss thats what Monokuma meant when he said only Kokichi can access this place, we soon found the portal and it instantly activated the moment we arrive, everyone hold hands as we all took a deep breath and walk threw the portal, a bright flashing light blinds our eyes and than darkness takes over



Shuichi. . .


Wake up


Shuichi: ahhh!! Huh?
Kirigiri: welcome back to the real world Shuichi Saihara, greetings my name is Kiokyo Kirigiri
Shuichi: huh...? Where have i heard that name before... ugh my head hurts...
Kirigiri: plz take everything in slowly, the waking process normally will give you headaches
Shuichi: oww... uh... wiat my friends! Where's everyone?!
Kirigiri: calm down, their all in their separate rooms, right now most of them are still suffering from their injuries caused in the game, tho you can visit some of them, there are others who should rest in privacy to avoid any further problems and injuries, for example those who you can visit are Keade, Rantaro, Maki, Kaito, Himiko, Tenko, Miu, Angie but I must warn you about visiting Kaito, his illness is still very dangerous so stay a few inches away or put on a mask for protection
Shuichi: oh... and those i can't visit
Kirigiri: well theres Kirumi, Korekiyo, Gonta, Ryoma and of course Kokichi
Shuichi: their injuries are... that bad...?
Kirigiri: yes, due to her execution Kirumi has many scars all over her with some broken bones số it will take time to heal so she can't come out of her room, she requested some peace and quiet to keep things to herself, Ryoma has a similar situation due to being eaten by puranas he also has scars, its best if he stay bed written, Korekiyo execution definetly give him a skin condition and we're still trying to help cure it, Gonta now has a allergic reaction to bees so we still need to keep him for some medical treatment before he can actually get visitors or visit anyone
Shuichi: and Ouma?
Kirigiri: I'm afraid he might has the worsed of it... hes not blind but his eyes are seriously injured, his legs are broken and his vocal cords are destroyed too, it might take him a longer while to heal
Shuichi: oh...
Kirigiri: for now plz just rest easy, you can all relax now
Shuichi: thnk you Ms.

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