Death and Order

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*Barbara's POV*

Who is this man? Why is he here, in Jas- in my apartment?

When Jason died, I explained to Bruce, through tears, what I wanted to do. He gave me enough money to purchase the entire apartment building, and I'm planning on renovating it. I'll let homeless kids and prostitutes in the other apartments during nights and winters, but it will be no easy task. I wish he was still here. He knew The Narrows better than anyone in the family, and would've been more than happy to help me.

I shook my head to stop thinking about it. I then kept up the glare I put on him. That didn't stop me from looking at him up and down.

'Who where's an all-black suit in The Narrows?' I couldn't help but wonder. He looks rather dashing in it. His face, however, is... odd. It's not ugly, at least I don't think it is, it's just... kind of blurry. As if he was able to blur out parts of his face that he didn't want me to see.

"Well?! What are you doing in my home?!" I demanded.

"I-I didn't realize this was anyone's home." He said, looking around. His voice sounded... odd. Familiar.

I sighed. "Fair enough, I guess. This place is a dump. I need to do some renovating."

He snickered. "That's an understatement. I didn't think anyone would willingly live here, let alone a Bat."

I lightly glared at him. "Hey! This is my home, and you don't get to insult it!"

He paled, which was weird, as he was almost as white as a bone.

"Sorry, ma'am." He said quickly.

I sighed "It's fine, just forget about it. I need to find stuff for renovating this building."

He tilted his head. "Building? I thought you only owned this apartment?"

I groaned, realizing that I just sold myself out. "A friend of mine died a while ago, and he lived here. His dad and brothers helped me buy it. I'm planning on renovating this place first, and living here. Then, I'll change this building so homeless people can live here."

He grinned. "Well, it's nice to meet you. Good luck on that, Miss."

I smirked, "Thanks, but what are you doing here?"

He was thinking. "Accounts. I'm an accountant." Guess that would explain the fancy suit he's wearing.

"I see. And your name?"

He chuckled. "You know, it's the strangest thing, I can't really remember."

I looked at him skeptically. "Uh-Huh." I said sarcastically. "Tell me who you are, or I won't be responsible for my actions!" I said, pulling out a Batarang and cuffs.

He sighed, walking towards me. "Oh, but you will. You always will be." He then walked past me, getting close to the door. "This is a fine spot, Miss Gordon." Then walked out the door.

After getting over the shock of him saying my last name, I looked out the door. He was nowhere to be found. Only thing left was a bit of smoke on the stairs.

How the hell did he know me?! Did he find see the newspaper article that said I bought it, and put two and two together? Was my voice modifier not on? So many questions went through my head.

I then saw a note where the smoke was. I picked it up and read it. I growled as I crunched the paper in my hand.

The only secrets that you will find out about me,

are the ones that I would like you to see!

With Love,

A Friend

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