26. Arrival at the Homeland

Start from the beginning

"How is this possible? I thought..."

"The homeland is nothing like the camp where you landed." She recalled the woman saying. "What?!"

Before she could think further of it, the door to the small room opened and Zein was staring at her with a small smile on his lips.


"You are not able to wake her?" The king asked, frustrated.

"I apologize, my lord." Zein shook his head. "Perhaps it is the differing physiology." He suggested, not wanting to suggest that it may actually be his fault due to treating Ashima so harshly. When she had passed out on him during his last chance to question her, he had gotten so angry he kept hitting her.

"They have had a long journey and it is well into the night. Let us all return to bed and we will question the foreigner in the morning when we are all of a fresh mind." The Queen suggested to her husband. 

The King and Zein grumbled, not loving the idea. The king instead sat behind his large desk and motioned for Zein to sit. Once he did, the king continued. "Tell me what you have learned."

"I can tell my king what she has said, as her story did not waver over the journey. However, I caution my lord from believing it."

"You have reason to suspect the foreigner is lying?"

"There is always reason to suspect." Zein said dryly, leaning back in his chair just slightly.

"Very well, tell us what she has said."

Zein filled them in on Ashima's story of how she arrived on Domu, from the time she boarded her ship to the time she arrived in the camp.

"And how long was she at the camp by the time you arrived?" The king asked.

"19 days."

"She was in the medical tent the entire time?"

"No. She was unconscious for two days but once she woke up, they released her to the care of the person who had found her and turned her in."

"Why would they not keep her contained within the medical tent with someone on guard at all times?" The king huffed out, annoyed.

"With the trials and lack of technology in the camp, they claimed they would not have the ability to properly serve the participants, the camp, and keep the foreigner in check." Zein answered.

"We will speak with their superiors. We must put better procedures in place for such an occurrence."


The king's chief administrative officer made a note in his electronic tablet. "Perhaps we should update these plans of procedure for all departments, my lords."

"Excellent idea, Heziek." The King and Queen agreed.

"Zein, let's move on to your report. What do you feel her threat level is."

"On the surface, it appears to be physically inferior in every way. Smaller, weaker, unable to withstand the cold temperature."

"Good. This is good."

"But we cannot underestimate the foreigners' threat to us, my lord. How did it learn our language so quickly? Perhaps it is a spy. We do not know any of their capabilities or what her people are like. If they might come in search of her-"

"Yes, yes. Of course we will." The King waved him off. "Anything else you've learned?"

"That is all."

"Zein." The Queen gathered his attention. "Who was this person who found her? The one who was responsible for her all this time? What do we know of them?" 

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