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Felix and Seungmin sat facing each other at a couple table in the bakery. As Seungmin munched on a muffin, Felix talked to him about the choreography Lee Know made for one of 3RACHA's songs that they'd written a long time ago.

"Maybe the eight of us could dance it together!" Felix said, his eyes shining. For some reason, he seemed extra cute to Seungmin today, and Seungmin found it hard to look away.

"Minnie! Are you listening?"

Seungmin snapped out of his daydreams and blinked at Felix. "You were talking about a choreo...?"

"Yeah! For their song 'Hellevator,'" Felix explained, getting some chocolate from his croissant on his face.

"Mhm." Seungmin grabbed a napkin. "You got chocolate on your face, Felix." He gave Felix the napkin, but he shook his head.

"Can you get it off for me? I don't know where it is," he said, smiling innocently at Seungmin, who was panicking slightly.

"S-sure," he said, reaching over and gently wiping the chocolate off Felix's face. His hand shook as he pulled his hand away. I mean, it's not every day that you get to touch your adorable crush's face.

"Thanks!" Felix giggled, making Seungmin even more shy and conscious of his red face.

He blushed hard and quickly looked down at his muffin.

At least Felix didn't notice, because he just kept on talking about how awesome the song was.

But actually Felix did notice, and it was then that he realized he wasn't just Seungmin's friend anymore...


"Hey Hyunjin, what was it like, when Jeongin didn't like you?" asked Seungmin. Since Hyunjin had experienced unrequited love, Seungmin figured he'd be an expert on it.

"Uh, why do you wanna know? I mean, it wasn't anything special." Hyunjin cocked his head in suspicion.

"I was just wondering."

Hyunjin raised his eyebrows. "It isn't that our Seungminnie has a crush on someone...?"

"What are you talking about, I told you I was just wondering!" Seungmin insisted fiercely, which only made Hyunjin tease him more.

"You're just denying it."

"Am not!"

"Whatever." He laughed and then more seriously continued, "I mean, it was awful, I couldn't sleep, he'd ignore me, I had nightmares—I mean, I still do, but anyways—it was kind of bad but at least I have him now."

"What did you do about it?" Seungmin made mental notes about what Hyunjin was saying.

"Well, to be honest I took sleeping pills for a while."

"You still are?"

Hyunjin shook his head. "No, when Jeongin found out, he forced me to get over it."

"He probably scolded you."

"Yeah, a little, especially when I did it behind his back."

"Mhm. I can see that."

"So, really, you like someone?"

"Uh... kind of."

"It's a yes or no question, Minnie."

"Yes? I like—Felix."

"—OH. Why didn't you tell me? Does Jeongin know?"

"Yeah? I told him and Bang Chan-hyung already. Um, could you not tell anyone else?"

"Sure, but aren't you all 'pro-Changlix'?"


Hyunjin sighed. "Seungmin, you need help."


"Well..." Hyunjin stood up. "I gotta go now but I'll meet up with you again sometime to figure something out."

"No, it's okay. I don't need therapy."

"Whatever, Seungmin. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, see you."

Seungmin watched as Hyunjin left. He didn't really want to talk about it anymore, but after telling him, it was probably too late. Hyunjin wasn't going to leave him alone now.

(Sorry, short chapter)

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