S4xE4: Danger Games

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"He dropped his parachute," Henry stated as he picked it up off the ground and began putting it on himself.

"Yup, there he goes." Ray stared at Dr. Minyak's figure making its descent before turning around to the others. "Hey!" He shouted to Henry. "That's the last parachute, why do you get it?"

"I'm gonna share," Henry told him, "With Dylan."

"What!" Ray couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Dude, you're indestructible." Dylan reminded him. Ray was the only one who could survive jumping out of a plane without a parachute.

"Well, my feelings are still hurt." Ray crossed his arms and pouted like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Fine, we'll let you share it with us," Henry told Ray, who immediately uncrossed his arms at the news.

"Actually, I was gonna push him out of the plane," Dylan admitted, loud enough for Ray to hear.

"That's it! You're grounded!" Ray pointed a finger at Dylan.

"You can't do that!"

"And why's that?"

"Because you don't want to wake up with a spider in your bed tomorrow." Dylan threatened.

"You wouldn't."

"I know a guy, a spider guy."

"Can we jump now?" Henry interrupted their little argument, desperately wanting to get out of the plane already.

"Yeah, okay." Ray accepted, making his way over to Henry and Dylan.

"Now remember, if this won't support our weight, we all climb on Ray's back," Dylan told Henry.

"Agreed," Henry responded.

Before Ray could even make a comment the three jumped out of the plane. The parachute was able to semi-hold their weight, meaning the landing was rough, for Ray at least, as Henry and Dylan stuck to their plan of hiding behind Ray so he could take the bulk of it.

Captain Man and Kid Danger were invited to appear on the "Swell View", a talk show geared towards the female audience. Dylan was also invited, as the Darkness, but he turned down the offer, wanting to keep his mysterious profile intact. They also didn't offer him any money like Swellview's Got Talent did.

Nurse Cohort, who worked with Dr. Minyak, was tuning into the show, watching it mainly for Captain Man. The hosts were asking the two heroes all kinds of questions, the big topic of the show being all about Kid Danger's new relationship with the Darkness. Nurse Cohort was invested, wanting all the gossip on Kid Danger's personal life. Henry carefully answered all of their questions, not wanting to accidentally reveal anything identifying. He also greatly emphasized that the two of them liked keeping a private life, and they would have never spoken about their relationship to the public if it wasn't for the leaked photo of them.

The topic was soon switched to Captain Man and Kid Danger's run-in with Dr. Minyak and how they defeated him. Dr. Minyak burst through the doors of their hideout, immediately yelling at Nurse Cohort for not picking him up after falling out of a literal plane. She didn't pay attention, instead, she told him that they were talking about him on television.

But talking turned to laughing. Captain Man and Kid Danger couldn't help but laugh at remembering how they defeated Dr. Minyak, causing the hosts of the talk show to laugh along with them, and then finally Nurse Cohort let out a laugh.

Dr. Minyak yelled at her again, this time to turn the television off. He was so sick and tired of people laughing at him. He needed to prove to everyone that he was not only a villain, but a villain that should be feared. He needed a plan, one that would show everyone how evil he really could be, and one that Captain Man and Kid Danger wouldn't see coming.

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