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The soft sound of rain drops falling from the sky all around, was all that was heard in the car. No music. No humming. No singing. And no talking. Just peace. That was how Maeve liked it, peaceful. She enjoyed her quiet, she enjoyed her alone time, and she certainly enjoyed the rain. Mix all that together and she'll be one happy camper.

Her hands loosened their grip on the steering wheel as she adjusted her glasses, pulling into the parking lot of her university college. It was big, the colors were red and white. Her dorm room would be three floors up, fifth door to the left. Right next to her best friend's room.

Maeve was very nervous but somewhat excited to see who her new roommate would be. It's wild it was random, she never got told who but she knew she'd find out this morning. But that's not what's important, what is important is Maeve seeing her best friend's.

Zendaya Coleman and Sydney Sweeney have been Maeve's best friend since she was 7. They grew up together doing everything and anything they could. Those were the two people she could count on the most, trust the most, and always go to when she was having problems or struggling. She loved them, and they loved her.


One simple knock from the Dawson girl and it didn't take long for the door to be thrown wide open, her best friend's throwing their arms tightly around her that it felt like she was suffocating.

"MAEVE!" They would squeal and as Maeve finally caught her breath back, she smiled so widely it felt like it would be permanent on there as she jumped into their arms, squeezing them as tight as she could.

"I missed you guyssss." She dragged out, Zendaya setting her down while Sydney closed the door. The three girls all huddled close together on the bed. "What's new?"

"The hot gossip is Z might have a hot date with that lovely football player, Tom Holland." Sydney teased as Zendaya's face turned to a deep red color while Maeve laughed. "He's such a gentlemen, he's kind, hot, and I bet his dick is, like, really-"

"That's enough, Syd!" Zendaya smacked the blonde with a pillow to shut her up as the other girl just laughed, teasing Zendaya who rolled her eyes now. "Yes he's amazing, but I'm waiting for him to ask me out or something because I'm getting tired of waiting."

"I bet he'll ask you out" Maeve wiggled her eyebrows as her voice betrayed a suggestive tone.

"Girl, what happen to your man?" Sydney soon asked the Dawson girl who scratched the back of her neck.

"Yeah what did happen with Niall?" Oh boy... Niall Horan. Many know him as a linebacker for the football team but he was downright an asshole and treated Maeve like shit. And that's what she told her friends.

"The fact that he cheated and tried blaming it on me, was just so fucking crazy." Maeve expressed, rolling her eyes at the thought of her ex.

"I'm about to give this dickhead a peace of my mind." Sydney growled as Zendaya just listened with her chin in the palm of her hand.

"The sex wasn't even good! I know this shouldn't matter but damn it was tiny." Maeve whispered the last part that made her friends laugh loudly and uncontrollably, her included, as they gossiped for the next hour.


"Hey text us who your roommate is." Zendaya said when Maeve headed out the door.

"Will do." The Dawson girl found her own room, taking her key out and unlocking it as she slid her suitcases inside. She admired the cozy look. It was big, it had a nice little kitchen area and the perfect size balcony. There were two beds pushed up against the wall with a tv hung directly across from them, a nightstand on each side of the beds.

One of the beds was already claimed, blankets tossed on there like a pile of trash. Maeve was probably one of the most organized people to exist. She liked things a certain way in a certain place. She started by unpacking her suitcases first before getting the rest from her car.

She could hear the shower running from the other side of the bathroom door, probably her roommate, so she left it be. She opened the drawers and color coded all her pajamas, underwear, socks, bras, and anything else that belonged in there. The plus side of this room was the two closets. They were small walk in ones but it was better than sharing. She unpacked all her hangers, her clothes now being strung up on the metal pole inside. Her suitcases neatly lined up against the wall as she flopped down on her bed. She'll have to get the rest later but right now she wanted a break.

It just happened to be right when her roommate walked out of the bathroom. She was tall, much taller than Maeve. And she had beautiful brown hair, her hazel eyes making eye contact with her.

Oh fucking hell...

"Well, I didn't think we'd see each other again so soon, huh princess?" The girl smirked. Hailee motherfucking Steinfeld was Maeve's roommate. "We're gonna have so much fun." Hailee winked, walking back into the bathroom. When the door shut, Maeve let out a loud annoyed groan.

"Son of a bit-"

Roommates or More | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu