Prologue Part 2

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The door to the house on Watery Lane was flung open, as the family who owned the house came strolling in. Cold air was drafted through the house from the chilly, pitch-black night.

All of them hung their coats up, walking tiredly into the kitchen and sitting around the kitchen table.

"I enjoyed that, Kasia was lovely. Thank you boys for actually being good for a couple of hours." Polly uttered exhausted standing up from the chair she was sitting on. "Well, I'm of to bed, it's been a long day. See ya all in the morning."

"Night Aunt Pol." The Shelby siblings said in unison as Polly trudged up the stairs to her bedroom.

"That was amazing, wasn't it boys? By the way, don't think I didn't catch you all looking at Kasia like she was the only person to exist on the planet." Ada exclaimed teasingly, resting her arms on top of the kitchen table.

"No I wasn't!" John said defensively – leaning back with his arms crossed – with a serious look on his face.

"Sure you weren't brother, I was surprised you didn't fuck her right when you first laid eyes on her." Arthur also teased chuckling slightly.

"You were all as bad as each other. She was really lovely though. I hope she comes to The Garrison tomorrow." Ada commented.

"Yeah, me too." Tommy mumbled so the others couldn't hear.

Eventually, they all went to bed, but the boys couldn't stop thinking about the wonderful women in white.


The next day

It was late afternoon and Kasia had just finished moving her things into her new flat, now walking down to the street to a pub called The Garrison.

People watched the newcomer with curiosity in their eyes, knowing she didn't belong in a place like this. In her colourful light clothes, compared to the dull, colourless clothing of the local children and adults. She always had a small smile placed delicately on her face, while the people of small Heath barely had anything to smile about.

Her outfit consisted of a white, flowy, patterned skirt which rested just below her knees with a light pink sweater on her upper half. Due to the cold, she had a thick, long, woolly jacket on which nearly went all the way to the floor, sadly covering her pretty clothes.

Finally, she arrived at the pub. Taking a breath, she walked to the door. The door creaked as she stepped inside the pub: it went deathly silent. They all looked at her for a moment then went back to all chatting loudly. It looked like any other pub except for what looked to be a private room. Gulping nervously, she walked up to the bar where the barman was taking orders and serving drinks. With her fists clenched tightly as her legs shook lightly, she asked the barman timidly, "I'm looking for the Shelby's – do you know if they're here by any chance?"

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" Harry asked quizzically, not answering her question.

"I'm here to see the Shelby's. They said at least one of them would be here." Kasia's voice grew louder but was still weak, but this time everyone in the pub heard her. It went quiet again; all the men in the pub not believing this women was involved in the Shelby's unlawful business.

"I don't think they're the type of people ya want to be around, love. Nasty bunch they are." Cut in a random man to the side of Kasia before taking a drink of his whiskey, finishing it off.

"By the way you walked in and the small voice you're speaking in now tells me you shouldn't be involved with the Shelby's. I mean even ya face gives it away, ya got a sweet face- look like ya could do no 'arm." Harry spoke to her again, she felt worried now, why were the Shelby's so bad? When she met them they were nothing but nice and friendly.

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