22. The Brothers

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"Bruising? What happened?!" He stared at Ashima, his eyes roaming over her.

"I...." She lowered her eyes away from him. Not wanting to tell him that he had been right. She should not have been outside the tent on her own.

"Shima." He said softer this time. "Tell me. I will not be angry with you."

"You promise?" He nodded. "I walked straight back to the tent, just as I promised. Or, I tried to, Kietnan. I promise I did!"

"Ashima. Just tell me what happened."

"A man chased me. He grabbed me, he said he wanted payback from you, for his brother's death. He said he was going to start by taking me! I fought him, and he kicked me in the stomach." She began to cry as she crossed her arms over her abdomen. "You were right, Ki. You were right, I shouldn't have been outside the tent on my own. If Milleck hadn't shown up and knocked him out, I don't know what would have happened."

"Shhh, calm down, it's all right now. I will not let him harm you again." He stood, and she could see that he was seething. His chest rose and fell harshly and his fists were clenching at his sides.

"You promised you wouldn't be angry."

"I promised I would not be angry with you, and I am not. I am angry with him. I am angry with myself. What he has done is unacceptable." He turned to the attendant. "Go. Send a messenger to Inform my brothers to meet me in Kahal's dwelling.

Then return here."

The woman nodded and rushed out of the room.

"What are you going to do?" Ashima asked, confused.

"We will talk about it later, for now I must know that you are all right. Are you truly OK?"

"Im not going to lie, it hurt. A lot. It still hurts but not nearly as bad. But they did scans and said I'm fine inside.

He motioned to her stomach, "may I look?"

She sighed, knowing that he wouldn't like what he saw. But she did as he asked, slowly raising up her shirt to reveal her abdomen.

She was surprised when he didn't move. He didn't react at all, actually. He just sat there beside her bed, staring at the big ugly bruise that ran diagonally across her abdomen, surrounded by dark red.

Eventually, his fingers moved to hover just above the bruise, being careful not to touch it.

"They found no injuries inside?"

"No, I told you. I am fine, it will heal."

"Anywhere else?"

She hesitated, but decided it was best to be honest. So she pulled up her sleeves to reveal the dark bruises in the shape of fingers that ran across her upper arms and around her wrists. After a moment she replaced her sleeves and lowered her shirt, bringing her blanket back up over her to return her warmth in the cold room.

He looked into her eyes but said nothing.

"It is done." Jal said as she entered the room.

"Good." He stared at the woman, making sure he had her attention. "Do not leave her alone. You are not to leave her side until I return." He said as he stood.

The woman nodded and with one last look to Ashima, he walked out of the room.


"You better have a good reason for calling us here tonight, Kahal. I was studying for tomorrow's trial." His second eldest brother, Joreth grumbled.

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