"It is time to begin today's trials!" The crowd cheered. "Today our participants will be tested for endurance like no other trial before them. Will their bodies hold out or fold under the pressure?" At this, the crowd erupted into a mix of tears and snickers. "Or!" The men waited until the crowd calmed a bit. "Or will their minds be tricked into false paths, leading them to impending doom!. Again, the crowd was full of whispers, men and women commenting on what they thought would happen.

"Today, our participants must swim 20 lanks across the lake, to reach one of the north eastern islands."

20?! How long is a lank? She knew deep down it had to be a drastically far distance. She felt her stomach twisting.

"They must travel through dense fog, and marshy wetland before they reach solid ground. There are many islands in this area and the participants must choose the correct one. But there is no time for rest! Once they arrive, they must dive deep into the depths, until their lungs feel like they are about to burst, going through many dangers and false bottoms, to find their prize.

Ashima's heart was beating hard, and she was struggling to control her breath. Diving with no diving gear? False islands? False bottoms? What dangers was he mentioning? Were there animals in the depths?

Another horn went off and she jumped, looking around frantically. The participants all began to shed their clothing and her brows rose in surprise and confusion.

She watched as Kietnan removed his shoes, pants, his light jacket, and his undershirt, leaving nothing but the thin strip of fabric that covered his front, but covered almost nothing of his backside. Her mind wasn't even able to appreciate this sight of him, she was too lost in her anxiety. When he stood her eyes went up to his face, only to see that he was watching her. Her heart skipped, and she gulped. her warm clothing that she was so appreciative of, suddenly felt suffocating.

He was frowning and his brows were furrowed. She recognized that he was still worried for her. Panic rushed through her, he couldn't be distracted. Not now. Not because of her. She removed her goggles and face covering and lowered her hood, her long wavy brown hair flowing in the breeze. She made sure her face showed calm determination as she gave him an encouraging nod. She hoped he understood what she was conveying to him. I'm fine. Focus. You've got this. His brows loosened and his facial features turned from a frown to simply impassive, the same face most of the other Qarthans around her held.

Satisfied that this was as good as she would get from him, she returned her coverings but kept her eyes on him as he turned to face the lake, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. She flinched when another horn went off and her heart sank as she watched him dive into the lake. "Please be safe." She whispered to herself.

She stood and watched until her eyes could no longer see his form, and she could no longer see any ripples on the water from the participants' movements. When she turned, she realized she was practically alone. All of the other spectators had continued about their day. So she began her walk back to their tent.

Halfway into her journey, she spotted Milleck carrying a stack of crates. "Milleck!" she called out to her as she approached. "Let me help you with those."

"What are you doing outside of Kietnan's dwelling?" The woman said as she continued walking.

"He let me walk with him to see the start of today's trial. Under the promise that I would swiftly return directly back to the tent. Which is what I am doing right now."

"Then go, continue on your walk."

"Are you sure you don't need help?"

"Yes, I do this every day."

"OK, if you're sure. I really don't want to break my promise to Kietnan about returning straight to the tent, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I helped you for just a moment."

"Yes, yes. I'm fine. Go."

"OK, it was good seeing you Milleck. I hope you have a good rest of your day."

Milleck simply nodded.

As Ashima walked she began to feel eyes on her. She turned but saw no one. A few steps later she heard movement but when she turned there was again no one in sight. She began walking again but she wasn't going to wait on them to pounce on her. After she got a few steps, she quickly turned beside a tent and began to run in a different direction.

She heard the footsteps chasing her as she went down this new path. Dang it, this person is faster than the last one. She thought. She turned again, practically making a circle. But she stopped directly as a man ran out from the next tent ahead, staring at her coldly. She noted that he was slightly taller but thinner than Kietnan was. Either way, he was much larger and stronger than she was.

She turned to run in a different direction but he caught her quickly, grabbing her roughly by the arms before pulling off her face covering and hood. "So..." he looked at her in disgust. "This is Kietnan's pet." He spat the words at her.

She didn't respond. Instead, she only stared at him in shock.

"He must pay for my brother's death. I will start by taking his play thing." The man said before pulling on Ashima's arm.

"No!" She screamed loudly, digging her heels into the dirt to resist him. He simply pulled harder, and essentially dragged Ashima, her heels creating a path in the dirt. But her resistance seemed to do nothing to slow him down.

"Stop! I am no one's pet!" She screamed loudly. "What are you doing?!"

"Quiet!" He turned and kicked her in the stomach. Her breath was expelled from her lungs and she gasped, momentarily not able to take in air as the pain shot through her entire body from the force of his hit.

He grabbed her arms again, and continued dragging her away. She was no longer able to yell at him, or even to cry out for help. All she knew was the pain.

She barely registered the sound of something hitting the man, his body falling to the ground loudly beside her. As her arms were released she fell down beside him, panting on the ground. She wanted to get up and put distance between her and him, but she was too stunned and in too much pain to move. She had no choice but to lay there, staring at him and his unconscious body.

"What a waste of a perfectly good pot." Milleck said from above her, unamused. 

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