Stalker, oneshot

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Peter likes to think he is a vigilant person, Considering his Spidey sense and all it's not often that something ever really catches him off guard but then again it was totally possible that the entire thing was nothing but his imagination.

A guy in black sunglasses and a cap had started visiting the coffee shop peter worked at two months ago, maybe even more but peter never noticed him before. He had the same order every time, Two shots of espresso and milker, No sugar, it probably tasted horrible. The guy wore sunglasses even when it was raining! And somehow that wasn't the strangest thing about him.

Peter often caught him looking his way and the moment he was caught the man looked down over his coffee. When he asked ned, his coworker about the strange guy he denied ever seeing him in his morning shift. Ok cool so the guy was here only at evening during Peter's shift.

Sound of a bell ringing pulled him out of his thoughts, the same man entered, wearing the same cap and sunglasses. And just like everyday, peter felt uneasy, there was something about the man, his spidey sense didn't detect anything so probably nothing major but there just something about the guy.........

Peter cleared his throat and politely looked at the man, 'same thing?'

The man nodded, as always his face gave no expression, no words, peter had even forgotten what exactly his voice sounded like, but he has a plan today, just as the man started to reach for his wallet to pay, peter said, 'we have new policy sir!'

The man looked up, 'what is it?'
'we now have to write names of the customers on our cups'
'I want ceramic cup will you write my name?'
'we write it on chits like-like stickers'
'so your name?'
'ok tony, umm and the coffee is on the house today.'

Tony just shrugged and left for his table, but Peter noticed a few beads of sweat dripping down the side of his forehead. The rest of his shift went the same, Peter took the coffee with an added sticker placed it on Tony's table and left, Tony would sneak glances at him and Peter would feel uneasy. He wanted to tell his manager but Tony was one of the only people that came to the coffee shop at that hour. Plus peter is spider-man he has nothing to worry about.

Peter sighed and looked at the clock there was still an hour and a half left for his sift the girls that were there before tony had left, the shop was almost empty, he didn't have any coworkers in this slot, So peter took out his Physics book and notebook from his bag, better do some homework till someone came, he sat on the table next to the register and started to read.

Peter was rather focused on a difficult question when he heard the Chair in front of him scrape, he looked up and Tony was standing above him, looking at him sheepishly, wait he didn't have his sunglasses on! Peter could feel his mouth drop open this wasn't just any Tony, this was Tony stark the infamous Supreme Ironman.

'Now don't look at me like that.'
Peter looked down, embarrassed and a little scared, what was he doing here?
'sorry, I-I didn't- '
Tony cut him off with a laugh, 'I'm just messing with you kid, what ya got there?'

Tony was Pointing at his homework, the question he couldn't solve to be more specific. 'Nothing just some homework, sorry do you need something?'

Tony smirked, 'Nah, you were frowning so much, you stuck on a question or something?'

'Yea, it's silly really' Tony just hummed at his answer and sat across from him, without a word he pulled his notebook towards him and started to read a second later he scribbled an something on his notebook.

Peter leaned over to look and saw Tony's messy handwriting, but he could still make out the answer, he felt a little dumb now, the answer was pretty simple, his face must have given away his thoughts because tony patted his shoulder and smiled at him, 'Don't feel bad this happens to the best of us.'

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