Shit. This wasn't good. Her teammates were trying to desperately argue that it wasn't a pen but the ref wasn't having any of it. Evie could barely watch as she stood on the edge of the box, praying that Mary saved it.

"Save it, save it, save it," she muttered under her breath, hoping this would make it happen.

The Austrian player ran up and kicked it. Time seemed to slow down as it flew through the air.

The crowd cheered as Mary fell to the ground, the ball safely in her hands. All the girls mobbed her, glad it didn't go in. None of them were as glad as Evie and she grabbed Mary tightly.

"Thank you so much," she said before running up the pitch.

The board went up and it was time for Evie to leave the game. She was so angry at herself. She felt bad for letting the team down. It was a good job she hadn't cost them the game.

Frustrated tears were stinging her eyes as she walked off.

"Chin up," Sarina said as she patted her on the back. Evie nodded before sitting on the bench.

"Well done," various girls said patting her on the back. She didn't deserve it.

Evie covered her face with her hands. The girls tried to offer her words of encouragement but she wasn't having it. She stayed in her own little bubble, negative thoughts of doubt and anger rushing over her in big waves. Tears trickled silently down her cheeks, burning with hot anger.

Nikita managed to get another one and then the final whistle went. Everyone was pleased as this secured their World Cup qualification. Evie was also pleased but mostly she was upset. She felt terrible.

Her team could see how upset she was and tried to comfort her.

"Forget about it. It's over," Leah said rubbing her back.

"I know but what if it goes on like that?" Evie asked, terrified that football was becoming too much.

"It won't," she told her firmly.

They had their team huddle and then went to shake the Austrian players hands. After that Evie took herself off and sat away from everything else. She wanted to be alone.

Sarina spotted her and went over. Without a second thought, she sat down next to her, despite the ground being muddy. Clothes could be washed, for now she needed to make sure the teenager was okay.

"I'm sorry. I've let you down. You gave me a chance in the starting line-up and I played like that," Evie apologised.

"You have not let me down. Yes, you didn't have your best game, but you're 17. You're allowed to make mistakes. You're better than that, you don't need me to tell you, but don't worry about it. Winning the Euros was incredible but I understand how much strain it has put on you all."

"This was the big chance to show what women's football was about and I went and played like I've never kicked a ball in my life. I was complete bollocks."

"You're being too harsh. The biggest chance you'll ever have was the Euro final and look how you did in that. Don't let this performance get in the way. You're an incredible player who wasn't at their best due to understandable circumstances."

They fell into silence. Sarina was right but Evie was struggling. She wanted to please everyone all the time but today she hadn't managed that.

"I've let the girls down," she said quietly, staring down at the blades of grass to avoid Sarina's sympathetic gaze.

"No you haven't," she said, putting her arm around her shoulders and gently guiding her into her side. They stayed like that for a few moments, Evie letting all negative thoughts go as Sarina tried to make her laugh.

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