Day 2: Eyes

151 11 18

*Sabre's POV*

I just need to get back to my house and I'll be fine. The steves can't stare at me in there and if they whisper, I won't know.

I'm walking through the Rainbow Kingdom, trying to get back to my home after a meeting with the leaders, and for some reason all the steves I walk past are just staring at me. I can tell their also whispering about me but most of them stop if I get within earshot.

Honestly, I just want them to stop staring.

I'm almost home when two of the staring steves decide to approach me, a yellow steve and a violet steve.

"Why are you here?"

The yellow steve lead the conversation. I was confused, because as far as I was aware there was no event or anything going on here today. However, I just decide to answer his question.

"I'm just going home. I'm not trying to cause any trouble if that's what your worried about."

The yellow steve scowled and crossed his arms. The violet steve took this opportunity to speak up.

"No, he meant why are you allowed in the kingdom."

More and more steves kept gathering around us, staring at me and whispering too. What do they mean? Do they all thing I shouldn't be here of something?

"I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what your trying to say."

The yellow steve clenches his fists and raises his voice.

"You're a monster! You only ever cause destruction and harm and it is dangerous to have you here! Who knows who you'll hurt next!"

I feel myself start to shake. It's not true. I try to help others, not hurt them. The whispers grow louder as more and more eyes stare at me, judging me. I zone out of the yellow steves speech trying to calm myself down but zone back in towards the end.

"I'm willing to bet not even the Colourless Guard who even think about saving such a worthless piece of—"

His speech is cut off by a smack to the head by the back end of a Colourless Guard spear.

"Congratulations, you just lost your bet."

A Colourless Guard now stands between me and the two steves and I can tell they're glaring at the two, even with the armour on.

"Your behaviour is absolutely unacceptable. Sabre has sacrificed countless things countless times to save us and this is how you treat him. You clearly don't understand what darkness does when it corrupts someone and you clearly don't care enough to understand that when corrupted, no one has control of their actions, even Sabre."  

The violet steve at least has the decency to look ashamed but the yellow steve just looks angry.

"And I haven't even mentioned your choice of words. So I suggest that you go home and think about your actions and if I ever see you do something like this to someone who doesn't deserve ever again, I will personally be reporting you to both Captain Light and the Leaders."

The yellow steve looks like he's about to retort but the violet steve puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes his head. Eventually, both of them start walking away. Most of the crowd left after the Colourless Guard showed up but a few of them remained, still staring.

"The same goes for the rest of you. I don't want to see this behaviour for anyone."

The Guard raked their gaze over the crowd causing the steves to disperse. I let put a sigh of relief as the eyes finally turn away from me. After making sure all the steves has stopped staring, the Guard turned to me.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You didn't have to do that you know..."

"Nonsense, you don't deserve such treatment, no one does. And as a Colourless Guard it is my duty to make sure their is no such unfairness."

I manage to crack a smile at the Guard's small speech.

"Plus, I know what it's like to have hundreds of eyes judge you..."

The last sentence is muttered under the guard's breath. I doubt I was supposed to hear it but I did. I'm about to ask them if their alright but they quickly interrupt me.

"Oops, sorry, I have to get to the gate for my shift, see you around!"

The guard runs off without another word but I keep in mind to ask Light if I can thank them later.


Sorry this one's a little later than the first one. I had school...

This isn't really any specific AU, it's one my OCs that kinda just exist in all my AUs,  just kinda hanging out in the background.

If your curious the OC is the Colourless Guard: Merciful Violet Steve (nicknamed Mercy but their friends)

I also have a headcannon that steves don't really care about gender or pronouns so I call Mercy a they/them.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

Lyra, signing out.

ChromaTober (Lyra Edition)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon