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MARIA WOKE UP WITH a mix of determination and trepidation. She could feel the weight of the impending clash between Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do looming over her. The stakes were high, and the consequences could be dire.

But nonetheless, Maria got up.

As she rose from her bed, Maria's mind was already set on the battle that awaited her. She swiftly dressed in a black t-shirt, jeans, and her signature combat boots, ready to face whatever challenges the day held.

Meanwhile, Miguel was standing outside the school, his eyes glued to the screen of his phone.

"Still nothing from Tory?" Aisha asked.

He shook his head. "No. What about you?"

"She won't text me back. Maria won't get back to me either." She sighed and bit her lip worriedly. "I'm getting kind of worried."

"I couldn't even find her after the party." Miguel sighed. "Think she got in trouble with the cops? Same with Maria?"

Aisha shrugged. "I don't know. But missing the first day of school is not a good sign. Plus, Maria would never do that, so obviously something's wrong."

Miguel nodded slowly, pushing himself off of the pillar and walked inside the school with Aisha by his side. They went their separate ways and Miguel walked into the classroom. He sat down next to Hawk and explained everything that happened.

"Dude, you kissed Sam?" Hawk's voice pierced through the heavy silence in the classroom. Miguel's eyes remained fixed on the desk in front of him, his guilt weighing him down. It was a momentary lapse, fueled by alcohol, but the consequences were now impossible to ignore.

Maria entered the classroom, her steps deliberate and purposeful. She deliberately chose a seat as far away from Miguel as possible, her gaze briefly meeting his before quickly diverting elsewhere. Miguel felt a pang in his chest at the coldness from his best friend that was unfamiliar to him, realizing the magnitude of his mistake.

"Good morning, students and faculty. Welcome to a brand new year at West Valley High. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready to dive back into the school year," the voice over the intercom announced, attempting to restore a sense of normalcy.

Miguel's attention was momentarily diverted when Hawk playfully hit him on the shoulder. "Nice!" Hawk exclaimed, clearly impressed by Miguel's romantic endeavors.

"No, not nice," Miguel sighed, his voice laced with remorse. "I shouldn't have done that to Tory."

Meanwhile, Maria sat in her seat, her fingers tightly clutching the necklace that hung around her neck, praying to whatever god was out there that the worst wouldn't happen.

All of a sudden, a commotion erupted over the intercom, drawing everyone's attention away from their thoughts and concerns. "Hey, what? You're not supposed to be in here!" a panicked voice exclaimed as Tory attempted to wrestle the microphone from the staff member's hands. "No! No! Give that back! You're not allowed to—"

Tory seized control of the microphone, her voice dripping with venom as she addressed Samantha LaRusso. Miguel's eyes widened as the weight of the situation sank in. "Samantha LaRusso. You know what you did, and now, you're gonna pay for it. I'm coming for you, bitch!"

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